标签:work 文件解析 star 分享 位置 key 引号 oca styles
摘要:在关键字驱动测试框架中,除了POM模式以及一些常规Action的封装外,一个很重要的内容就是读写EXCEL,在团队中如何让不会写代码的人也可以进行自动化测试? 我们可以将自动化测试用例按一定的规格写到EXCEL中去(如下图所示)
此处在初始化类的时候定义了两个颜色放进字典中,之后会当做参数传给写EXCEL的函数,当测试用例执行通过 用绿色字体标注pass,当执行失败的时候用红色字体标注failed
# 用于实现读取Excel数据文件代码封装 # encoding = utf-8 """ __project__ = ‘KeyDri‘ __author__ = ‘davieyang‘ __mtime__ = ‘2018/4/21‘ """ import openpyxl from openpyxl.styles import Border, Side, Font import time class ParseExcel(object): def __init__(self): self.workBook = None self.excelFile = None self.font = Font(color=None) self.RGBDict = {‘red‘: ‘FFFF3030‘, ‘green‘: ‘FF008B00‘} def loadWorkBook(self, excelPathAndName): # 将Excel加载到内存,并获取其workbook对象 try: self.workBook = openpyxl.load_workbook(excelPathAndName) except Exception as e: raise e self.excelFile = excelPathAndName return self.workBook def getSheetByName(self, sheetName): # 根据sheet名获取该sheet对象 try: # sheet = self.workBook.get_sheet_by_name(sheetName) sheet = self.workBook[sheetName] return sheet except Exception as e: raise e def getSheetByIndex(self, sheetIndex): # 根据sheet的索引号获取该sheet对象 try: # sheetname = self.workBook.get_sheet_names()[sheetIndex] sheetname = self.workBook.sheetnames[sheetIndex] except Exception as e: raise e # sheet = self.workBook.get_sheet_by_name(sheetname) sheet = self.workBook[sheetname] return sheet def getRowsNumber(self, sheet): # 获取sheet中有数据区域的结束行号 return sheet.max_row def getColsNumber(self, sheet): # 获取sheet中有数据区域的结束列号 return sheet.max_column def getStartRowNumber(self, sheet): # 获取sheet中有数据区域的开始的行号 return sheet.min_row def getStartColNumber(self, sheet): # 获取sheet中有数据区域的开始的列号 return sheet.min_column def getRow(self, sheet, rowNo): # 获取sheet中某一行,返回的是这一行所有数据内容组成的tuple # 下标从1开始,sheet.rows[1]表示第一行 try: # return sheet.rows[rowNo - 1] 因为sheet.rows是生成器类型,不能使用索引 # 转换成list之后再使用索引,list(sheet.rows)[2]这样就获取到第二行的tuple对象。 return list(sheet.rows)[rowNo - 1] except Exception as e: raise e def getCol(self, sheet, colNo): # 获取sheet中某一列,返回的是这一列所有数据内容组成的tuple # 下标从1开始,sheet.columns[1]表示第一列 try: return list(sheet.columns)[colNo - 1] except Exception as e: raise e def getCellOfValue(self, sheet, coordinate = None, rowNo = None, colNo = None): # 根据单元格所在的位置索引获取该单元格中的值,下标从1开始 # sheet.cell(row = 1, column = 1).value,表示excel中的第一行第一列的值 if coordinate is not None: try: return sheet.cell(coordinate=coordinate).value except Exception as e: raise e elif coordinate is None and rowNo is not None and colNo is not None: try: return sheet.cell(row=rowNo, column=colNo).value except Exception as e: raise e else: raise Exception("Insufficient Coordinates of cell!") def getCellOfObject(self, sheet, coordinate = None, rowNo = None, colNo = None): # 获取某个单元格对象,可以根据单元格所在的位置的数字索引,也可以直接根据Excel中单元格的编码及坐标 # 如getCellOfObject(sheet, coordinate=‘A1) or getCellOfObject(sheet, rowNo = 1, colNo = 2) if coordinate is not None: try: return sheet.cell(coordinate=coordinate) except Exception as e: raise e elif coordinate is None and rowNo is not None and colNo is not None: try: return sheet.cell(row=rowNo, column=colNo) except Exception as e: raise e else: raise Exception("Insufficient Coordinates of cell!") def writeCell(self, sheet, content, coordinate = None, rowNo = None, colNo = None, style=None): # 根据单元格在Excel中的编码坐标或者数字索引坐标向单元格中写入数据,下标从1开始 # 参数style表示字体的颜色的名字,如red,green if coordinate is not None: try: sheet.cell(coordinate=coordinate).value = content if style is not None: sheet.cell(coordinate=coordinate).font = Font(color=self.RGBDict[style]) self.workBook.save(self.excelFile) except Exception as e: raise e elif coordinate is None and rowNo is not None and colNo is not None: try: sheet.cell(row=rowNo, column=colNo).value = content if style is not None: sheet.cell(row=rowNo, column=colNo).font = Font(color=self.RGBDict[style]) self.workBook.save(self.excelFile) except Exception as e: raise e else: raise Exception("Insufficient Coordinates of cell!") def writeCellCurrentTime(self, sheet, coordinate = None, rowNo = None, colNo = None): # 写入当前时间,下标从1开始 now = int(time.time()) # 显示为时间戳 timeArray = time.localtime(now) currentTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray) if coordinate is not None: try: sheet.cell(coordinate=coordinate).value = currentTime self.workBook.save(self.excelFile) except Exception as e: raise e elif coordinate is None and rowNo is not None and colNo is not None: try: sheet.cell(row=rowNo, column=colNo).value = currentTime self.workBook.save(self.excelFile) except Exception as e: raise e if __name__ == "__main__": from Configurations.VarConfig import dataFilePath163 pe = ParseExcel() pe.loadWorkBook(dataFilePath163) print("通过名称获取sheet对象名字:") pe.getSheetByName(u"联系人") print("通过Index序号获取sheet对象的名字") pe.getSheetByIndex(0) sheet = pe.getSheetByIndex(0) print(type(sheet)) print(pe.getRowsNumber(sheet)) print(pe.getColsNumber(sheet)) cols = pe.getCol(sheet, 1) for i in cols: print(i.value) # 获取第一行第一列单元格内容 print(pe.getCellOfValue(sheet, rowNo=1, colNo=1)) pe.writeCell(sheet, u‘中国北京‘, rowNo=11, colNo=11, style=‘red‘) pe.writeCellCurrentTime(sheet, rowNo=10, colNo=11)
# encoding = utf-8 """ __title__ = ‘‘ __author__ = ‘davieyang‘ __mtime__ = ‘2018/4/21‘ """ from xml.etree import ElementTree class ParseXML(object): def __init__(self, xmlPath): self.xmlPath = xmlPath def getRoot(self): # 打开将要解析的XML文件 tree = ElementTree.parse(self.xmlPath) # 获取XML文件的根节点对象,然后返回给调用者 return tree.getroot() def findNodeByName(self, parentNode, nodeName): # 通过节点的名字获取节点对象 nodes = parentNode.findall(nodeName) return nodes def getNodeofChildText(self, node): # 获取节点node下所有子节点的节点名作为key,本节点作为value组成的字典对象 childrenTextDict = {i.tag: i.text for i in list(node.iter())[1:]} # 上面代码等价于 ‘‘‘ childrenTextDict = {} for i in list(node.iter())[1:]: fhildrenTextDict[i.tag] = i.text ‘‘‘ return childrenTextDict def getDataFromXml(self): # 获取XML文档的根节点对象 root = self.getRoot() # 获取根节点下所有名为book的节点对象 books = self.findNodeByName(root, "book") dataList = [] # 遍历获取到的所有book节点对象 # 取得需要的测试数据 for book in books: childrenText = self.getNodeofChildText(book) dataList.append(childrenText) return dataList if __name__ == "__main__": xml = ParseXML(r"F:\seleniumWithPython\TestData\TestData.xml") datas = xml.getDataFromXml() for i in datas: print(i["name"], i["author"])
Python&Selenium 关键字驱动测试框架之数据文件解析
标签:work 文件解析 star 分享 位置 key 引号 oca styles