标签:create dba rem ber 不同 direct cto oracl tab
SQL> create directory data_pump_dir1 as ‘/home/oracle/datapump1‘;
Directory created.
SQL> create directory data_pump_dir2 as ‘/home/oracle/datapump2‘;
Directory created.
SQL> grant connect,resource to FINANCE_PREONLINE identified by FINANCE_PREONLINE123;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant read,write on directory impdp to FINANCE_PREONLINE;
Grant succeeded.;
SQL> grant exp_full_database,imp_full_database to FINANCE_PREONLINE ;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant connect,resource to J436_PREONLINE identified by J436_PREONLINE123;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant read,write on directory impdp to J436_PREONLINE;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant read,write on directory data_pump_dir2 to susan;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant exp_full_database,imp_full_database to J436_PREONLINE ;
Grant succeeded.
impdp \‘/ as sysdba\‘ directory=impdp dumpfile=scf_20181209.dmp remap_schema=SCF_FINANCE:FINANCE_PREONLINE remap_tablespace=SCF_FINANCE:FINANCE_PREONLINE
impdp \‘/ as sysdba\‘ directory=impdp dumpfile=j436_20181209.dmp remap_schema=j436:J436_PREONLINE remap_tablespace=J436:J436_PREONLINE
ORA-31644: unable to position to block number 623478 in dump file
Oracle Schema导入导出
标签:create dba rem ber 不同 direct cto oracl tab