标签:io os 使用 ar for sp div on 问题
Additionally, we found that your app requires the installation of another app before it can be used, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. Apps should be able to run on launch, without requiring additional applications to be installed.
Specifically, we were required to install WeChat/QQ before we could use the sharing features in your app.
Please revise your app so that a user can use it upon launch. If your
app requires authentication before use, please use a method that can
authenticate users from within your app.
解决方案: 首先调用微信SDK或QQ互联SDK的方法检测是否安装微信/QQ客户端:
[WXApi isWXAppInstalled]
如果未安装客户端则隐藏对应登录或分享按钮。 经过验证上述方法可以有效通过APPstore审核。
标签:io os 使用 ar for sp div on 问题