标签:toyota extra oms 返回 分享 常见 执行 request nbsp
# if 语句与for循环语句,这个模式在实际编程中经常用 cars = [‘audi‘,‘bmw‘,‘subaru‘,‘toyota‘] for car in cars: if car == ‘bmw‘: print(car.upper()) else: print(car.title())
程序2 :if语句
# if语句 age =7; if age>=18: print("You are old enough to vote!") # if与else if age>=18: print("You are old enough to vote!") else: print("Sorry,you are too young to vote.")
程序3 :使用多个elif代码块
# 使用多个elif代码块 age = 12 if age<4: price = 0 elif age<18: price = 5 elif age<65: price=10 else: price =5 print("Your admission cost is $"+str(price)+".")
‘‘‘else 是一条包罗万象的语句,只要不满足任何if 或elif 中的条件测试,其中的代码就会执行,这可能会引入无效甚至恶意的数据。如果知道最终要测试的条件,应考虑使用 一个elif 代码块来代替else 仅当满足相应的条件时,你的代码才会执行。‘‘‘ # 省略else代码块 age = 98 if age<4: price = 0 elif age<18: price = 5 elif age<65: price=10 elif age>=65: price =5 print("Your admission cost is $"+str(price)+".")
‘‘‘在这里,我们首先创建了一个空列表,其中不包含任何配料。在处我们进行了简单检查,而不是直接执行for 循环。在if 语句中将列表名用在条件表达式中 时,Python将在列表至少包含一个元素时返回True ,并在列表为空时返回False 。如果requested_toppings 不为空,就运行与前一个示例相同的for 循环;否则,就打印 一条消息,询问顾客是否确实要点不加任何配料的普通比萨‘‘‘ requests =[] if requests: for request in requests: print("Adding "+request+".") print("\nFinished making your pizza") else: print("Are you sure you want a plain pizza")
# 多个列表,这种形式的在实际编码中也常见 available_toppings = {‘mushrooms‘,‘olives‘,‘green peppers‘,‘pepperoni‘,‘pineapple‘,‘extra cheese‘} requested_toppings = {‘mushrooms‘,‘french fries‘,‘extra cheese‘} for requested_topping in requested_toppings: if requested_topping in available_toppings: print("Adding "+requested_topping+".") else: print("Sorry,we don‘t have "+requested_topping) print("\nFinished making your pizza")
标签:toyota extra oms 返回 分享 常见 执行 request nbsp