标签:编译不过 stand unsigned oid lib byte 隐式转换 lse blocks
/* Named Parameter Idiom */
/* 主要解决的问题
class OpenFile {
OpenFile(string filename, bool readonly=true, bool appendWhenWriting=false,
int blockSize=256, bool unbuffered=true, bool exclusiveAccess=false);
OpenFile pf = OpenFile("foo.txt", true, false, 1024, true, true);
// 理想的情况是像下面这样的:
OpenFile pf = OpenFile(.filename("foo.txt"), .blockSize(1024) );
/* 解决方法 1 */
class OpenFile {
OpenFile(std::string const& filename);
OpenFile& readonly(bool ro) { readonly_ = ro; return *this; }
OpenFile& createIfNotExist(bool c) { createIfNotExist_ = c; return *this; }
OpenFile& blockSize(unsigned nbytes) { blockSize_ = nbytes; return *this; }
OpenFile f = OpenFile("foo.txt")
OpenFile f = OpenFile("foo.txt").blockSize(1024);
/* 问题:
* 如果是非成员函数呢?
/* 方法 2: 使用类型*/
void setBirthDate(int month, int day, int year);
setBirthDate(3, 1, 2012); // 1月3日还是3月1日?
struct Day {
explicit Day(int d):val(d){} //设置为explicit,不能隐式转换
int val;
struct Month {
explicit Month(int d):val(d){} //设置为explicit,不能隐式转换
int val;
struct Year {
explicit Year(int d):val(d){} //设置为explicit,不能隐式转换
int val;
void setBirthDate(Month m, Day d, Year y);
setBirthDate(Month(3), Day(1), Year(2010)); //正确
setBirthDate(3, 1, 2010); // 编译不过,很难使用出错
/* Template Specialization for STL
* Specialize the standard library templates‘ behavior for our class
* std:: is a special namespace where we are not allowed to alter its contents
* But we can specialize them for our types
class collar;
class dog {
collar* pCollar;
dog(string name = "Bob") {pCollar = new collar(); cout << name << " is born." << endl; }
int main() {
dog dog1("Henry");
dog dog2("Boq");
std::swap(dog1, dog2);
标签:编译不过 stand unsigned oid lib byte 隐式转换 lse blocks