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cygwin jdk11u

时间:2018-12-29 13:52:12      阅读:255      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:terminal   1.4   lin   des   mon   org   orm   6.4   off   

cygwin jdk11u


安装 Cygwin64

下载地址 https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe

Cygwin 国内源    中科大镜像源 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/cygwin/

选择安装的包:(automatically added) 表示根据依赖自动添加的包

Install _autorebase 001007-1
Install alternatives 1.3.30c-10
Install autoconf 13-1 (automatically added)
Install autoconf2.1 2.13-12 (automatically added)
Install autoconf2.5 2.69-3
Install automake1.15 1.15.1-1
Install base-cygwin 3.8-1
Install base-files 4.2-4
Install bash 4.4.12-3
Install binutils 2.29-1
Install binutils-debuginfo 2.29-1
Install bsdcat 3.3.2-1
Install bsdcpio 3.3.2-1
Install bsdiff 4.3-5
Install bsdtar 3.3.2-1
Install busybox 1.23.2-1
Install busybox-debuginfo 1.23.2-1
Install bzip2 1.0.6-3
Install ca-certificates 2.22-1
Install coreutils 8.26-2
Install cpio 2.11-3
Install cygutils 1.4.16-2
Install cygwin 2.11.2-1
Install cygwin-debuginfo 2.11.2-1 (automatically added)
Install dash
Install diffutils 3.5-2
Install editrights 1.03-1
Install file 5.32-1
Install findutils 4.6.0-1
Install gawk 4.2.1-1
Install getent 2.18.90-4
Install grep 3.0-2
Install groff 1.22.3-1
Install guile2.0 2.0.14-3
Install gzip 1.8-1
Install hostname 3.13-1
Install info 6.5-2
Install ipc-utils 1.0-2
Install less 530-1
Install libarchive13 3.3.2-1 (automatically added)
Install libargp 20110921-3
Install libattr1 2.4.48-2
Install libblkid1 2.25.2-2
Install libbz2_1 1.0.6-3
Install libcrypt0 2.1-1 (automatically added)
Install libdb5.3 5.3.28-2 (automatically added)
Install libffi6 3.2.1-2
Install libgc1 7.6.10-1 (automatically added)
Install libgcc1 7.4.0-1
Install libgdbm4 1.12-1
Install libgmp10 6.1.2-1
Install libgnutls30 3.5.18-1 (automatically added)
Install libguile2.0_22 2.0.14-3 (automatically added)
Install libhogweed4 3.4-1 (automatically added)
Install libiconv 1.14-3
Install libiconv2 1.14-3
Install libidn2_0 2.0.4-1 (automatically added)
Install libintl8
Install libltdl7 2.4.6-6 (automatically added)
Install liblz4_1 1.7.5-1 (automatically added)
Install liblzma5 5.2.3-1
Install libmpfr6 4.0.1-4p11
Install libncursesw10 6.0-12.20171125
Install libnettle6 3.4-1 (automatically added)
Install libopenssl100 1.0.2p-1
Install libp11-kit0 0.23.10-1
Install libpcre1 8.40-3
Install libpipeline1 1.4.0-1
Install libpopt-common 1.16-2
Install libpopt0 1.16-2
Install libprocps-ng6 3.3.12-2 (automatically added)
Install libpsl5 0.18.0-1 (automatically added)
Install libreadline7 7.0.3-3
Install libsigsegv2 2.10-2
Install libsmartcols1 2.25.2-2
Install libssp0 6.4.0-4 (automatically added)
Install libstdc++6 7.4.0-1
Install libtasn1_6 4.13-1
Install libunistring2 0.9.10-1 (automatically added)
Install libuuid1 2.25.2-2
Install libxml2 2.9.4-2 (automatically added)
Install login 1.12-1
Install m4 1.4.18-1
Install make 4.2.1-2
Install man-db
Install mintty 2.9.5-0
Install nano 2.9.7-1
Install ncurses 6.0-12.20171125
Install openssl 1.0.2p-1
Install p11-kit 0.23.10-1
Install p11-kit-trust 0.23.10-1
Install perl 5.26.3-1 (automatically added)
Install perl-Carp 1.38-2 (automatically added)
Install perl_autorebase 5.26.3-1 (automatically added)
Install perl_base 5.26.3-1 (automatically added)
Install procps-ng 3.3.12-2
Install psmisc 22.20-1
Install publicsuffix-list-dafsa 20180523-1 (automatically added)
Install rebase 4.4.4-1
Install run 1.3.4-2
Install sed 4.4-1
Install tar 1.29-1
Install terminfo 6.0-12.20171125
Install texinfo 6.5-2 (automatically added)
Install tzcode 2018e-1
Install tzdata 2018e-1
Install unzip 6.0-17
Install util-linux 2.25.2-2
Install vim-minimal 8.0.1567-1
Install wget 1.19.1-2
Install which 2.20-2
Install xz 5.2.3-1
Install zip 3.0-12
Install zlib0 1.2.11-1









快捷方式目标:  C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -

起始位置:  C:\cygwin64

图标:  C:\cygwin64\Cygwin-Terminal.ico




Copying skeleton files.
These files are for the users to personalise their cygwin experience.

They will never be overwritten nor automatically updated.

‘./.bashrc‘ -> ‘/home/lsgx//.bashrc‘
‘./.bash_profile‘ -> ‘/home/lsgx//.bash_profile‘
‘./.inputrc‘ -> ‘/home/lsgx//.inputrc‘
‘./.profile‘ -> ‘/home/lsgx//.profile‘

$ cygcheck -c cygwin
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
cygwin               2.11.2-1       OK



安装 Mercurial ( hg )

下载地址 https://bitbucket.org/tortoisehg/files/downloads/

下载地址 https://www.mercurial-scm.org/downloads



获取 openjdk 源码

Mercurial(Hg) 克隆源码库  

命令  hg clone --verbose http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk-updates/jdk11u "D:\jdk11u"



openjdk 源码下载 http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk-updates/jdk11u/file/



=========== End


cygwin jdk11u

标签:terminal   1.4   lin   des   mon   org   orm   6.4   off   


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