标签:bsp values host sts db_name cursor str order war
import pymysql
def connect_wxremit_db(): return pymysql.connect(host=‘‘, port=3306, user=‘root‘, password=‘root1234‘, database=‘db_name‘, charset=‘latin1‘) ‘‘‘ hots:主机地址 port:端口号 user:用户 password:密码 database:数据库 charset:表 ‘‘‘
def query_country_name(cc2): sql_str = ("SELECT Fcountry_name_zh" + " FROM t_country_code" + " WHERE Fcountry_2code=‘%s‘" % (cc2)) logging.info(sql_str) con = mysql_api.connect_wxremit_db() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(sql_str) rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() con.close() assert len(rows) == 1, ‘Fatal error: country_code does not exists!‘ return rows[0][0]
def insert_file_rec(self, file_name, file_md5): con = mysql_api.connect_wxremit_db() cur = con.cursor() try: sql_str = ("INSERT INTO t_forward_file (Ffile_name, Ffile_md5)", + " VALUES (‘%s‘, ‘%s‘)" % (file_name, file_md5)) cur.execute(sql_str) con.commit() except: con.rollback() logging.exception(‘Insert operation error‘) raise finally: cur.close() con.close()
remit_ids = [(‘1234‘, ‘CAD‘), (‘5678‘, ‘HKD‘)] con = mysql_api.connect_wxremit_db() cur = con.cursor() try: cur.executemany("INSERT INTO t_order (Fremit_id, Fcur_type, Fcreate_time" + " VALUES (%s, %s, now())", new_items) assert cur.rowcount == len(remit_ids), ‘my error message‘ con.commit() except Exception as e: con.rollback() logging.exception(‘Insert operation error‘) finally: cur.close() con.close()
def update_refund_trans(self, remit_id): con = mysql_api.connect_wxremit_db() cur = con.cursor() try: sql_str = ("SELECT Fremit_id" + " FROM t_wxrefund_trans" + " WHERE Fremit_id=‘%s‘" % remit_id + " FOR UPDATE") logging.info(sql_str) cur.execute(sql_str) assert cur.rowcount == 1, ‘Fatal error: The wx-refund record be deleted!‘ sql_str = ("UPDATE t_wxrefund_trans" + " SET Fcheck_amount_flag=1" + ", Fmodify_time=now()" + " WHERE Fremit_id=‘%s‘" % remit_id logging.info(sql_str) cur.execute(sql_str) assert cur.rowcount == 1, ‘The number of affected rows not equal to 1‘ con.commit() except: con.rollback() logging.exception(‘Update operation error‘) raise finally: cur.close() con.close()
标签:bsp values host sts db_name cursor str order war