标签:and clear 结果 ogg ssi time 之间 通过 param
1: import threading
2: import logging
3:4: class Mythread(threading.Thread):
5: def run(self):
6: logging.debug("running")
7: logging.basicConfig(8: level=logging.DEBUG,9: format="(%(threadName)s) %(message)s"
10: )11: for i in range(5):12: t = Mythread()13: t.start()
1: (Thread-1) running2: (Thread-2) running3: (Thread-3) running4: (Thread-4) running5: (Thread-5) running
1: import threading
2: import logging
3:4: class Mythread(threading.Thread):
5:6: def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None,7: args=(), kwargs=None, *, daemon=None):8: super().__init__(group=group, target=target, name=name,9: daemon=daemon)10: self.args = args11: self.kwargs = kwargs12:13: def run(self):
14: logging.debug("running with %s and %s" % (self.args, self.kwargs))
15:16: logging.basicConfig(17: level=logging.DEBUG,18: format="(%(threadName)s) %(message)s",
19: )20: for i in range(5):21: t = Mythread(args=(i,), kwargs={"a": "A", "b": "B"})22: t.start()
1: (Thread-1) running with (0,) and {‘a‘: ‘A‘, ‘b‘: ‘B‘}2: (Thread-2) running with (1,) and {‘a‘: ‘A‘, ‘b‘: ‘B‘}3: (Thread-3) running with (2,) and {‘a‘: ‘A‘, ‘b‘: ‘B‘}4: (Thread-4) running with (3,) and {‘a‘: ‘A‘, ‘b‘: ‘B‘}5: (Thread-5) running with (4,) and {‘a‘: ‘A‘, ‘b‘: ‘B‘}
1: t = threading.Timer(float, target)2: # 设定线程名3: t.setName(“t1”)4: # 取消运行5: t.cancel()
event.set(): 设置event的状态值为True,所有阻塞池的线程激活进入就绪状态, 等待操作系统调度;
1: import logging
2: import threading
3: import time4: def wait_for_event(e):
5: """6: waiting for the event to be set before do anything7: :param e: Event对象的形参8: :return:
9: """10: logging.debug("waiting")
11: # 这个线程被阻塞了12: event_is_set = e.wait()13: # 如果事件没有set就永远不会执行14: logging.debug("event set:%s", event_is_set)
15:16: def wait_for_event_timeout(e, t):
17: """18: wait t seconds and then timeout19: :param e: Event对象的形参20: :param t: 等待事件的时间(seconds)21: :return:
22: """23: while not e.is_set():24: logging.debug("wait_for_event_timeout")
25: # 表示等待事件的时间为t26: event_is_set = e.wait(t)27: # 当事件set后或者时间超过t才会继续执行28: logging.debug("event set:%s", event_is_set)
29: if event_is_set:
30: logging.debug("processing event")
31: else:
32: logging.debug("doing other work")
33: logging.basicConfig(34: level=logging.DEBUG,35: format="(%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s",
36: )37: # 实例化的Event对象38: e = threading.Event()39: t1 = threading.Thread(40: name="block",41: target=wait_for_event,42: args=(e,),43: )44: t1.start()
45: t2 = threading.Thread(46: name="noblock",47: target=wait_for_event_timeout,48: args=(e, 2)49: )50: t2.start()
51:52: logging.debug("waiting before calling Event.set()")
53: time.sleep(0.3)
54: # 启动事件55: e.set()56: logging.debug("Event is set")
1: (block ) waiting2: (noblock ) wait_for_event_timeout3: (MainThread) waiting before calling Event.set()4: (MainThread) Event is set5: (block ) event set:True6: (noblock ) event set:True7: (noblock ) processing event
threading.LOCK() LocK锁对象
threading.LOCK().acquire() 获取底层锁
threading.LOCK().release() 释放底层锁
1: import logging
2: import random
3: import threading
4: import time5: class Counter:
6: def __init__(self, start=0):7: # 这是Counter的专用锁对象8: self.lock = threading.Lock()9: self.value = start
10: def increment(self):
11: logging.debug("waiting for lock")
12: # 拿到lock锁13: self.lock.acquire()14: try:15: # 无论谁拿到这个锁,每显示一次value就会加一16: logging.debug("acquired lock")
17: self.value = self.value + 118: finally:19: # 释放lock锁20: self.lock.release()21:22: def worker(c):
23: """24: make Counter().value + 225: :param c: Counter实例化对象26: :return:
27: """28: for i in range(2):29: pause = random.random()30: logging.debug("sleeping % 0.02f", pause)
31: time.sleep(pause)
32: c.increment()33: logging.debug("done")
34: logging.basicConfig(35: level=logging.DEBUG,36: format="(%(threadName)-10s %(message)s)"
37: )38: counter = Counter()39: for i in range(2):40: # 生成两个线程41: t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(counter, ))42: t.start()
43: logging.debug("waiting for worker threads")
44: # 拿到当前python程序的主线程45: main_thread = threading.main_thread()46: 让所有未执行完的其他线程等待。47: for t in threading.enumerate():48: if t is not main_thread:
49: t.join()
50: # 最后计算counter的value值51: logging.debug(("Counter:%d" % counter.value))
1: (Thread-1 sleeping 0.43)2: (Thread-2 sleeping 0.84)3: (MainThread waiting for worker threads)4: (Thread-1 waiting for lock)5: (Thread-1 acquired lock)6: (Thread-1 sleeping 0.96)7: (Thread-2 waiting for lock)8: (Thread-2 acquired lock)9: (Thread-2 sleeping 0.24)10: (Thread-2 waiting for lock)11: (Thread-2 acquired lock)12: (Thread-2 done)13: (Thread-1 waiting for lock)14: (Thread-1 acquired lock)15: (Thread-1 done)16: (MainThread Counter:4)
1: with lock_A:2: # 业务代码3: statement
1: threading.RLock() 可以让同一个线程的不同代码“重新获得”锁
标签:and clear 结果 ogg ssi time 之间 通过 param