标签:时间 稳定性 技术分享 gif ef6 优化 arch none ble
def bubble_sort(alist): ‘‘‘ 冒泡排序 ‘‘‘ n =len(alist) for j in range(n-1): #从上到下走多少次 for i in range(n-1-j): #班长从头走到尾 if alist[i]> alist[i+1]: alist[i],alist[i+1] = alist[i+1],alist[i] 时间复杂度O[n2] or O[n] 稳定性好,即在比较相同数据的时候,前边排布顺序不变化 def bubble_sort(alist): ‘‘‘ 冒泡排序 ‘‘‘ n =len(alist) for j in range(n-1): #从上到下走多少次 count = 0 for i in range(n-1-j): #班长从头走到尾 if alist[i]> alist[i+1]: alist[i],alist[i+1] = alist[i+1],alist[i] count+=1 if 0 == count: return 稳定性弱, 时间复杂度为O[n2],无法优化,最坏,最好 def select_sort(alist): n = len(alist) for j in range(n-1): min_index = j for i in range(min_index+1,n): if alist[min_index] > alist[i]: min_index = i alist[min_index],alist[j] = alist[j],alist[min_index] 最差时间复杂度为O[N2],最好为O[N] 稳定性好 def insert_sort(alist): n = len(alist) for j in range(1,n): i = j while i>0: if alist[i] < alist[i-1]: alist[i],alist[i-1] = alist[i-1],alist[i] i-=1 else: break 时间复杂度为O[N2],稳定性差 def shell_sort(alist): n = len(alist) gap = n // 2 while gap>0: for j in range(gap,n): i = j while i>0: if alist[i] < alist[i-gap]: alist[i],alist[i-gap] = alist[i-gap],alist[i] i -= gap else: break gap //= 2 最优时间复杂度O[nlogn],最差O[n2],稳定性差 def quick_sort(slist,first,last): if first >= last: return middle_value = slist[first] low = first high = last while low < high: while low < high and slist[high] >= middle_value: high -= 1 slist[low] = slist[high] while low < high and slist[low] < middle_value: low +=1 slist[high] = slist[low] slist[low] = middle_value quick_sort(slist,first,low-1) quick_sort(slist,low+1,last) def merge_sort(alist): """归并排序""" n = len(alist) if n <=1: return alist mid = n//2 left_li = merge_sort(alist[:mid]) right_li = merge_sort(alist[mid:]) len_left = len(left_li) right_left = len(right_li) left_pointer,right_pointer = 0, 0 result = [] while left_pointer < len_left and right_pointer < right_left: if left_li[left_pointer] < right_li[right_pointer]: result.append(left_li[left_pointer]) left_pointer+=1 else: result.append(right_li[right_pointer]) right_pointer+=1 result += left_li[left_pointer:] result += right_li[right_pointer:] return result def binary_search(alist,item): n = len(alist) if n > 0: mid = n //2 if alist[mid] == item: return True elif item < alist[mid]: return binary_search(alist[:mid], item) else: return binary_search(alist[mid + 1:], item) return False if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: li = [17,20,26,31,44,54,55,77,93] print( binary_search(li,55))
标签:时间 稳定性 技术分享 gif ef6 优化 arch none ble