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the java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JD-Eclipse compile error

时间:2014-10-17 15:26:03      阅读:307      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:des   blog   http   io   os   ar   java   for   sp   

Start looking decompile tool that determines JD-Eclipse intends to use the online upgrade, sad destroy the machine does not , and led directly to enter the online update address can not find what plug-ins can be updated to the following, had to jdeclipse_update_site.zip download, unzip to MyEclipse plug inside update folder and then the following things to clean up one, ok, restart, selected inside the property. the class default program jdeclipse

Last selected class, and then open the more sad reminder of the following error

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: D: \ MyEclipse-8.6 \ configuration \ org.eclipse.osgi \ bundles \ 1158 \ 1 \. cp \ lib \ win32 \ x86_64 \ jd-eclipse.dll: followed can not be applied in OS platform. . .


Looking for an expert

Results are as follows

  1. This is a BUG on OS detection.  
  2. Quick fix:  
  3. get the file "jd-eclipse.dll" from jd.ide.eclipse.win32.x86_0.1.3.jar if you have win32 or from "jd.ide.eclipse.win32.x86_64_0.1.3.jar" if you have win64, rename it to "libjd-eclipse.so" and move it to the path where Eclipse indicate the problem with "libjd-eclipse.so", in my case was "eclipse3.5.1\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\620\1\.cp\lib\linux\x86\libjd-eclipse.so"  


This is due to the operating system detects the bug

Quick Fix: find the appropriate jd.ide.eclipse.win32.x86_0.1.3.jar jd.ide.eclipse.win32.x86_64_0.1.3.jar jd.ide.eclipse.linux.x86_64_0.1.3.jar jd.ide The eclipse.macosx.x86_0.1.3.jar

See what your system is installed myeclipse procedure followed by the conventional case should Lake win32.x86 comprehensive win32.x86_64

Extracting the lib following similar jd-eclipse.dll this file, and then to see the error details of your detail, such as the above-mentioned

D: \ MyEclipse-8.6 \ configuration \ org.eclipse.osgi \ bundles \ 1158 \ 1 \. Cp \ lib \ win32 \ x86_64 \ jd-eclipse.dll

The files have a coverage error message file.

please refer the original blogs: http://www.linuxalgorithm.com/2899727/

the java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JD-Eclipse compile error

标签:des   blog   http   io   os   ar   java   for   sp   


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