标签:diff 支持 方法 部署 .com 类的成员 直接 not enc
构建:通过git diff拿到方法体变化的java类,绕过maven,直接使用同版本的javac编译出class文件。
问题: 某些类在retransform的时候总是会报如下类似错误。有时是add a method, 有时是delete a method。我们都知道,“原生的jvm只支持方法体的修改,不支持增删方法,修改方法签名,修改类成员等”。在这里,我们对于源代码确实只修改了方法体,为什么会报出这样的错误呢?
2. 使用javap -private对比两个class文件的方法
We conclude that the lambda must keep somehow a copy of all the variables it uses in the enclosing method. The current implementation of Java may add all the variables (in the enclosing method or class) the lambda read or write to the list of parameters the lambda get. It may also add only the variables from the enclosing method to the list of parameters because the rest can be reached in other ways. The lambda it private static method or private instance method inside the enclosing class. The decision of making it static method or instance method is decided by (can be changed in the future): If the lambda does not use any variable of the enclosing class, it may become a static method. Else it may become an instance method.
For example:
public class A { public static void main(String[] args) { Consumer<Integer> f2 = (Integer x) -> System.out.print(x); } } After complining: javac A.java javap -p A Output: Compiled from "A.java" public class A { public A(); public static void main(java.lang.String[]); private static void lambda$main$0(java.lang.Integer); } Another example: public class A { int y=9; public void f1() { Consumer<Integer> f2 = (Integer x) -> System.out.print(y); } } After complining: javac A.java javap -p A Output: Compiled from "A.java" public class A { int y; public A(); public void f1(); private void lambda$f1$0(java.lang.Integer); }
标签:diff 支持 方法 部署 .com 类的成员 直接 not enc