标签:emc mdi time price code rop number creat nta
select a.createtime, -- 日期 dept.name as deptName, -- 科室 (select t.docname from ( SELECT u.clinic_id AS clinicid, u.id AS docid,u1.property_value AS docname FROM thc_warehouse.staff_record u LEFT JOIN thc_warehouse.staff_record_property u1 ON u1.property_code = ‘SXX000083‘ AND u.id = u1.staff_record_id ) t where t.docid = a.orderDoctor ) AS doctor -- 医生 e.outpatient_number, -- 门诊编号 档案号 p.name, -- 客户名字 p.age, -- 年龄 p.country, -- 国籍/语言 p.language, -- 语言 b.itemClassName, -- 项目类型 b.itemName, -- 项目名称 -- b.fatherItemClassName, -- b.itemDisName, -- b.returnQuantity, -- 退货数量 b.price, -- 原单价 ROUND(b.discount * 100,0), -- 折扣比 round(b.price * b.quantity,4) as subPrice, -- 折后价 b.quantity, -- 购买数量 b.amount, -- 折后总金额 b.preFee, -- 原总价 from `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` a INNER JOIN `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` b on a.id =b.AccountBillId INNER JOIN `thc_passport`.`patient` p on a.patientID = p.id INNER JOIN `thc_sob`.`bpm_serv_provider` dept on a.clinicID = dept.id LEFT JOIN `thc_passport`.`patient_org` e on a.patientID = e.patient_id LEFT JOIN `thc_passport`.`contact` i on a.patientID = i.patient_id where `quantity` > 0 and a.is_refund = 0 and b.returnQuantity < b.`quantity` -- and b.`returnQuantity` > 0; select * from thc_sob.bpm_serv_provider
标签:emc mdi time price code rop number creat nta