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Installation Guide Ubuntu 16.04

时间:2019-02-28 14:53:45      阅读:231      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:content   pre   start   deb   perl   role   wing   win   run   

Beside the installation guide on the main page, here is a guide to install GenieACS off a freshly installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Prequisites and basic components

First you should update all components and install the following perquisites

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install redis-server mongodb npm build-essential ruby-bundler ruby-dev libsqlite3-dev
cd ~
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x -o nodesource_setup.sh
chmod +x nodesource_setup.sh
sudo ./nodesource_setup.sh
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo npm install libxmljs

Install GenieACS itself

I installed GenieACS into my home directory.

sudo npm install -g genieacs

Next GenieACS-GUI

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install redis-server mongodb npm build-essential ruby-bundler ruby-dev libsqlite3-dev
cd ~
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x -o nodesource_setup.sh
chmod +x nodesource_setup.sh
sudo ./nodesource_setup.sh
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo npm install libxmljs
git clone https://github.com/zaidka/genieacs-gui
cd genieacs-gui/

Create the config files

cp config/summary_parameters-sample.yml config/summary_parameters.yml
cp config/index_parameters-sample.yml config/index_parameters.yml
cp config/parameter_renderers-sample.yml config/parameter_renderers.yml
cp config/parameters_edit-sample.yml config/parameters_edit.yml
cp config/roles-sample.yml config/roles.yml
cp config/users-sample.yml config/users.yml
cp config/graphs-sample.json.erb config/graphs.json.erb
rake db:migrate
cd ..

And now make some files to start and stop all files in a TMUX Session

cat << EOF > ./genieacs-start.sh
if tmux has-session -t ‘genieacs‘; then
  echo "GenieACS is already running."
  echo "To stop it use: ./genieacs-stop.sh"
  echo "To attach to it use: tmux attach -t genieacs"
  tmux new-session -s ‘genieacs‘ -d
  tmux send-keys ‘genieacs-cwmp‘ ‘C-m‘
  tmux split-window
  tmux send-keys ‘genieacs-nbi‘ ‘C-m‘
  tmux split-window
  tmux send-keys ‘genieacs-fs‘ ‘C-m‘
  tmux split-window
  tmux send-keys ‘cd genieacs-gui‘ ‘C-m‘
  tmux send-keys ‘rails server -b‘ ‘C-m‘
  tmux select-layout tiled 2>/dev/null
  tmux rename-window ‘GenieACS‘

  echo "GenieACS has been started in tmux session ‘geneiacs‘"
  echo "To attach to session, use: tmux attach -t genieacs"
  echo "To switch between panes use Ctrl+B-ArrowKey"
  echo "To deattach, press Ctrl+B-D"
  echo "To stop GenieACS, use: ./genieacs-stop.sh"

cat << EOF > ./genieacs-stop.sh
if tmux has-session -t ‘genieacs‘ 2>/dev/null; then
  tmux kill-session -t genieacs 2>/dev/null
  echo "GenieACS has been stopped."
  echo "GenieACS is not running!"

chmod +x genieacs-start.sh genieacs-stop.sh

After all those steps GenieACS and it‘s GUI should be installed properly and is ready for the first start.

tmux attach -t genieacs

Installation Guide Ubuntu 16.04

标签:content   pre   start   deb   perl   role   wing   win   run   


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