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中国大学MOOC-JAVA学习(浙大翁恺)—— 信号报告

时间:2019-03-24 21:26:13      阅读:173      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:浙大   string   rgs   ble   ada   class   信号   gen   cal   


 1 import java.util.Scanner;
 3 public class Main 
 4 {
 6     public static void main(String[] args)
 7     {
 8         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 9         Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
10         int i;
11         int j;
12         int k;
13         i = in.nextInt();
14         j = i/10;
15         k = i%10;
16         switch (k) 
17         {
18         case 1:
19             System.out.print("Faint signals, barely perceptible");
20             break;
21         case 2:
22             System.out.print("Very weak signals");
23             break;
24         case 3:
25             System.out.print("Weak signals");
26             break;
27         case 4:
28             System.out.print("Fair signals");
29             break;
30         case 5:
31             System.out.print("Fairly good signals");
32             break;
33         case 6:
34             System.out.print("Good signals");
35             break;
36         case 7:
37             System.out.print("Moderately strong signals");
38             break;
39         case 8:
40             System.out.print("Strong signals");
41             break;
42         case 9:
43             System.out.print("Extremely strong signals");
44             break;
45         }
46         System.out.print(", ");
47         switch (j)
48         {
49         case 1:
50             System.out.print("unreadable");
51             break;
52         case 2:
53             System.out.print("barely readable, occasional words distinguishable");
54             break;
55         case 3:
56             System.out.print("readable with considerable difficulty");
57             break;
58         case 4:
59             System.out.print("readable with practically no difficulty");
60             break;
61         case 5:
62             System.out.print("perfectly readable");
63             break;
64         }
65         System.out.print(".");
66     }
67 }


中国大学MOOC-JAVA学习(浙大翁恺)—— 信号报告

标签:浙大   string   rgs   ble   ada   class   信号   gen   cal   


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