标签:ips png tps break 引用 ext 序列 有序 get
from docx import Document #初始化对象 from docx.shared import Inches #定义英尺 from docx.shared import Pt #定义像素大小 from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH from docx.oxml.ns import qn #定义style的 from docx.shared import RGBColor #打开docx文件 document = Document() #增加一段 paragraph = document.add_paragraph(‘This is a demo.‘) #在段落前直接插入一个新段落 prior_paragraph = paragraph.insert_paragraph_before(‘welcome!‘) #这一类属性,每个有三种状态 #True 为使用属性;False 为不使用属性;None 默认属性继承自上一个字体 paragraph = document.add_paragraph() paragraph.add_run(‘Lorem ipsum‘) run = paragraph.add_run(‘ dolor‘) run.bold = True run.font.name=u‘宋体‘ r = run._element r.rPr.rFonts.set(qn(‘w:eastAsia‘), u‘宋体‘) paragraph.add_run(‘ hello‘).underline = True paragraph.add_run(u‘斜体、‘).italic = True paragraph.add_run(u‘设置中文字体,‘) paragraph.add_run(u‘设置字号‘).font.size=Pt(24) #添加文本 p = document.add_paragraph(‘test‘) #文本居中 #WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH 存储了多种对齐格式 #例如:WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.LEFT,左对齐;WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.RIGHT,右对齐 p.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER #左缩进 p.left_indent = Inches(0.3) #首行缩进 p.first_line_indent = Inches(0.3) #上行间距 p.space_before = Pt(18) #下行间距 p.space_after = Pt(12) #添加标题 document.add_heading(‘The REAL meaning of the universe‘) document.add_heading(‘The role of dolphins‘, level = 2) #添加引用 document.add_paragraph(‘Intese quote‘,style="Intense Quote") #添加分页符 document.add_page_break() #添加表 table = document.add_table(rows=2,cols=2) cell = table.cell(0,0) cell.text = ‘cell_00‘ table.cell(0,1).text = ‘cell_01‘ row = table.rows[1] row.cells[0].text = ‘cell_10‘ row.cells[1].text = ‘cell_11‘ #行列计数 row_count = len(table.rows) col_count = len(table.columns) #添加图片 document.add_picture(‘1.png‘,width=Inches(1.25)) #应用字符样式 paragraph = document.add_paragraph(‘Normal text, ‘) paragraph.add_run(‘text with emphasis‘,‘Emphasis‘) #增加有序列表 document.add_paragraph( u‘有序列表元素1‘,style=‘List Number‘ ) document.add_paragraph( u‘有序列表元素2‘,style=‘List Number‘ ) #增加无序列表 document.add_paragraph( u‘无序列表元素1‘,style=‘List Bullet‘ ) document.add_paragraph( u‘无序列表元素2‘,style=‘List Bullet‘ ) #或者paragraph = document.add_paragraph(‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.‘) # paragraph.style = ‘ListBullet‘ document.save(‘test.docx‘)
标签:ips png tps break 引用 ext 序列 有序 get