标签:component array The str reader pre 文件 new this
原文:WPF中的Bitmap与bytepublic MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); byte[] b = GetPictureData(@"F:\WPF\TestSolution\TestReatByteFromDB\Images\123.png"); BitmapImage myimg = ByteArrayToBitmapImage(b); this.testImg.Source = myimg; } public byte[] GetPictureData(string imagepath) { /**/ ////根据图片文件的路径使用文件流打开,并保存为byte[] FileStream fs = new FileStream(imagepath, FileMode.Open);//可以是其他重载方法 byte[] byData = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(byData, 0, byData.Length); fs.Close(); return byData; } public BitmapImage ByteArrayToBitmapImage(byte[] byteArray) { BitmapImage bmp = null; try { bmp = new BitmapImage(); bmp.BeginInit(); bmp.StreamSource = new MemoryStream(byteArray); bmp.EndInit(); } catch { bmp = null; } return bmp; } public byte[] BitmapImageToByteArray(BitmapImage bmp) { byte[] byteArray = null; try { Stream sMarket = bmp.StreamSource; if (sMarket != null && sMarket.Length > 0) { //很重要,因为Position经常位于Stream的末尾,导致下面读取到的长度为0。 sMarket.Position = 0; using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(sMarket)) { byteArray = br.ReadBytes((int)sMarket.Length); } } } catch { //other exception handling } return byteArray; }
标签:component array The str reader pre 文件 new this