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使用asp.net core开发时避免不了要用一个合适的分页组件来让前端获取分页数据。github上面有一个开源的分页组件在这方面很适合我的使用,于是我把他的文档翻译一下,随后会分析它里面的源码。这是第一篇,介绍它如何使用。
Sieves是一个.net core下面的简单、干净并且可扩展的框架,它对外暴露了排序,过滤和分页的功能。
Sieve只会对标记有Sieve Attribute的属性(例如:[Sieve(Cansort=true,CanFilter=true)])进行排序或者过滤,所以,在我们的Post的例子中:
public int Id { get; set; } [Sieve(CanFilter = true, CanSort = true)] public string Title { get; set; } [Sieve(CanFilter = true, CanSort = true)] public int LikeCount { get; set; } [Sieve(CanFilter = true, CanSort = true)] public int CommentCount { get; set; } [Sieve(CanFilter = true, CanSort = true, Name = "created")] public DateTimeOffset DateCreated { get; set; } = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
NOTE:你可以使用Fluent API实现一样的功能,就像EF Core中的Fluent Api(IEntityTypeConfiguration)一样的道理和用法。
[HttpGet] public JsonResult GetPosts(SieveModel sieveModel) { var result = _dbContext.Posts.AsNoTracking(); // Makes read-only queries faster result = _sieveProcessor.Apply(sieveModel, result); // Returns `result` after applying the sort/filter/page query in `SieveModel` to it return Json(result.ToList()); }
GET /GetPosts
?sorts= LikeCount,CommentCount,-created // sort by likes, then comments, then descendingly by date created
&filters= LikeCount>10, Title@=awesome title, // filter to posts with more than 10 likes, and a title that contains the phrase "awesome title"
&page= 1 // get the first page...
&pageSize= 10 // ...which contains 10 posts
services.AddScoped<ISieveCustomSortMethods, SieveCustomSortMethods>();
services.AddScoped<ISieveCustomFilterMethods, SieveCustomFilterMethods>();
public class SieveCustomSortMethods : ISieveCustomSortMethods { public IQueryable<Post> Popularity(IQueryable<Post> source, bool useThenBy, bool desc) // The method is given an indicator of weather to use ThenBy(), and if the query is descending { var result = useThenBy ? ((IOrderedQueryable<Post>)source).ThenBy(p => p.LikeCount) : // ThenBy only works on IOrderedQueryable<TEntity> source.OrderBy(p => p.LikeCount) .ThenBy(p => p.CommentCount) .ThenBy(p => p.DateCreated); return result; // Must return modified IQueryable<TEntity> } }
public class SieveCustomFilterMethods : ISieveCustomFilterMethods { public IQueryable<Post> IsNew(IQueryable<Post> source, string op, string[] values) // The method is given the {Operator} & {Value} { var result = source.Where(p => p.LikeCount < 100 && p.CommentCount < 5); return result; // Must return modified IQueryable<TEntity> } }
使用ASP.NET Core options pattern这种方式来配置SieveOption,告诉Sieve从哪里找到配置。比如:
{ "Sieve": { "CaseSensitive": "boolean: should property names be case-sensitive? Defaults to false", "DefaultPageSize": "int number: optional number to fallback to when no page argument is given. Set <=0 to disable paging if no pageSize is specified (default).", "MaxPageSize": "int number: maximum allowed page size. Set <=0 to make infinite (default)", "ThrowExceptions": "boolean: should Sieve throw exceptions instead of silently failing? Defaults to false" } }
GET /GetPosts
?sorts= LikeCount,CommentCount,-created // sort by likes, then comments, then descendingly by date created
&filters= LikeCount>10, Title@=awesome title, // filter to posts with more than 10 likes, and a title that contains the phrase "awesome title"
&page= 1 // get the first page...
&pageSize= 10 // ...which contains 10 posts
From my own experience I‘d like the ability to get the total count while filtering and paginating. When paginating result.Count() will be the number of records on that page, not the total number of records. This alone doesn‘t give enough information to, say, power a pagination component as we don‘t know the number of total pages/records. Though, if I‘m wrong I‘d be pretty happy as I‘m currently doing this as a workaround: public async Task<IActionResult> GetQuestions(SieveModel sieveModel) { var questions = _context.Questions.AsNoTracking(); questions = _sieveProcessor.Apply(sieveModel, questions); var total = _context.Questions.AsNoTracking(); total = _sieveProcessor.Apply(sieveModel, total, applySorting: false, applyPagination: false); Request.HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add("X-Total-Count", total.Count().ToString()); return Ok(questions); }
You‘ll have to write a custom filter for that. Here‘s an example for v>=1.3.7: public class SieveCustomFilterMethods : ISieveCustomFilterMethods { public IQueryable<Post> AuthorIsAnyOf(IQueryable<Post> source, string op, string value) { var result = source.Where(p => value.Split(‘|‘).Contains(p.Author)); return result; } } Then inject the class: services.AddScoped<ISieveCustomFilterMethods, SieveCustomFilterMethods>();. Now you can send requests in the form: & AuthorIsAnyOf == Bad Pitt|Mel Gibson Note I‘m using the pipe character (|) instead of a comma because Sieve uses commas to separate filter terms.
You can do that with a custom filters so for example: The equivalent of your (title, body, author)@=ABC would be PostSearch@=ABC with: public class SieveCustomFilterMethods : ISieveCustomFilterMethods { public IQueryable<Post> PostSearch(IQueryable<Post> source, string op, string value) { if (op == "@=") { var result = source.Where(p => p.Title.Contains(value) || p.Body.Contains(value) || p.Author.Contains(value)); return result; } else { return source; } } } This would save you having to send requests with the same property names repeated every time, as well as allow for any additional logic you might need. That being said, I understand the need for OR logic, especially when you need to query unknown arbitrary parameters each time. I was working on an version where a | would donate OR (similar to , currently denoting AND). I think this would allow for more complex logic than your suggested implementation - at the cost of being less concise and more redundant (ie. instead of (p1,p1)@=ABC, you‘d have p1@=ABC|p2@=ABC. Let me know what you think - would that work for your use case or am I missing something? Really glad you like Sieve :D.
asp.net core 排序过滤分页组件:sieve(1)
标签:客户 逻辑 mod hat tin 技术 代码 rar 标记