标签:off blob bsp mic 字符串 题意 bbb 解析 pattern
"匹配"是指完全匹配,即aaa与aaaa不匹配,只有aaa与aaa才能说是匹配。 b*可以理解是‘‘"也可以是"bbbbbb*",例如ab*ac*a可以理解为"aaa",也可以理解为"abaa"或者"abaca"。
字符串:strA, 模式串patternB (1)patternB[j+1] != ‘*‘ 当strA[i] == patternB[j]或者patternB[j] == ‘.‘ and i < len(strA) 如果strA[i+1] != patternB[j+1], 返回False 如果strA[i+1] == patternB[j+1],进行下一轮比较 当strA[i] != patternB[j] and patternB[j] != ‘.‘ 直接返回Flase (2)patternB[j+1] == ‘*‘ 当strA[i] == patternB[j]或者patternB[j] == ‘.‘ and i < len(strA) 1)i不变,模式串 j = j + 2 2)j不变,字符串 i = i + 1 3)i = i+ 1, j = j + 2 当strA[i] != patternB[j] and patternB[j] != ‘.‘ 1)i不变,模式串 j = j + 2
def matchReg(strA: str, patternB: str, i: int = 0, j: int = 0) -> bool: if i == len(strA) and j == len(patternB): # 完全匹配 return True if i < len(strA) and j == len(patternB) or (i == len(strA) and j < len(patternB)): return False if (j+1) < len(patternB) and patternB[j+1] == ‘*‘: if (patternB[j] == ‘.‘ and i < len(strA)) or (strA[i] == patternB[j]): return matchReg(strA, patternB, i, j + 2) or matchReg(strA, patternB, i + 1, j) or matchReg(strA, patternB, i + 1, j + 2) else: return matchReg(strA, patternB, i, j + 2) if (patternB[j] == ‘.‘ and i < len(strA)) or (strA[i] == patternB[j]): return matchReg(strA, patternB, i + 1, j + 1) return False
标签:off blob bsp mic 字符串 题意 bbb 解析 pattern