标签:where connect with ons 自动 tab tabs HERE arc
db2 "SELECT substr(TABNAME,1,30) as TAB_NAME, STATUS, ACCESS_MODE, substr(CONST_CHECKED,1,1) as FK_CHECKED,如果回显中有结果,说明有表没有完成完整性检查。通常是因为有LOAD操作造成的。
db2 connect to $1
db2 -tx +w "with gen(tabname, seq) as( select rtrim(tabschema) || ‘.‘ || rtrim(tabname)
as tabname, row_number() over (partition by status) as seq
from syscat.tables
WHERE status=‘C‘ ),r(a, seq1) as (select CAST(tabname as VARCHAR(3900)), seq
from gen where seq=1 union all select r.a || ‘,‘|| rtrim(gen.tabname), gen.seq
from gen , r where (r.seq1+1)=gen.seq ), r1 as (select a, seq1 from r)
select ‘SET INTEGRITY FOR ‘ || a || ‘ IMMEDIATE CHECKED;‘ from r1
where seq1=(select max(seq1) from r1)" > db2FixCheckPending.sql
db2 -tvf db2FixCheckPending.sql
标签:where connect with ons 自动 tab tabs HERE arc