标签:hat string error not als help ESS invoke 官网文档
参考官网文档安装, 下面是遇到的几个问题:
1. On the "Mapping" tab, clear the chechbox "Invoke handler only if request is mapped to:". This ensures that the handler is also invoked for non-existing files or folders. Other wise, the dispatcher flash agent will get 404 (not found) error
2. Failed to cache files :
Resolved by granting write access to user IUSR IIS Dispatcher not caching:Unable to open temporary file
Or select Application pool identity, you‘ll see the owner of the cached file is AEM.
3. Blank page is returned, but can add query string ?a=1 to bypass web server to access pages normally:
[Mon May 06 17:01:53 2019] [W] [pid 15392 (tid 14172)] HSE_REQ_EXEC_URL(/content/we-retail.html) returned: 000003E9
Solution: use * instead of *.* in Request path
参考 https://serverfault.com/questions/580533/cq5-iis-dispatcher-module-cache-returning-000003e9-and-empty-page
在win10上安装AEM的dispatcher server
标签:hat string error not als help ESS invoke 官网文档