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<pre name="code" class="objc">转自:http://letsswift.com/2014/06/swift_overview/
println("Hello, world")
var myVariable = 42 myVariable = 50 let myConstant = 42
let explicitDouble : Double = 70
let label = "The width is " let width = 94 let width = label + String(width)
let apples = 3 let oranges = 5 let appleSummary = "I have \(apples) apples." let appleSummary = "I have \(apples + oranges) pieces of fruit."
var shoppingList = ["catfish", "water", "tulips", "blue paint"] shoppingList[1] = "bottle of water" var occupations = [ "Malcolm": "Captain", "Kaylee": "Mechanic", ] occupations["Jayne"] = "Public Relations"
let emptyArray = String[]() let emptyDictionary = Dictionary<String, Float>()
let individualScores = [75, 43, 103, 87, 12] var teamScore = 0 for score in individualScores { if score > 50 { teamScore += 3 } else { teamScore += 1 } }
var optionalString: String? = "Hello" optionalString == nil var optionalName: String? = "John Appleseed" var gretting = "Hello!" if let name = optionalName { gretting = "Hello, \(name)" }
let vegetable = "red pepper" switch vegetable { case "celery": let vegetableComment = "Add some raisins and make ants on a log." case "cucumber", "watercress": let vegetableComment = "That would make a good tea sandwich." case let x where x.hasSuffix("pepper"): let vegetableComment = "Is it a spicy \(x)?" default: let vegetableComment = "Everything tastes good in soup." }
let interestingNumbers = [ "Prime": [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13], "Fibonacci": [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8], "Square": [1, 4, 9, 16, 25], ] var largest = 0 for (kind, numbers) in interestingNumbers { for number in numbers { if number > largest { largest = number } } } largest
var n = 2 while n < 100 { n = n * 2 } n var m = 2 do { m = m * 2 } while m < 100 m
var firstForLoop = 0 for i in 0..3 { firstForLoop += i } firstForLoop var secondForLoop = 0 for var i = 0; i < 3; ++i { secondForLoop += 1 } secondForLoop
func greet(name: String, day: String) -> String { return "Hello \(name), today is \(day)." } greet("Bob", "Tuesday")
func getGasPrices() -> (Double, Double, Double) { return (3.59, 3.69, 3.79) } getGasPrices()
func sumOf(numbers: Int...) -> Int { var sum = 0 for number in numbers { sum += number } return sum } sumOf() sumOf(42, 597, 12)
func returnFifteen() -> Int { var y = 10 func add() { y += 5 } add() return y }
func makeIncrementer() -> (Int -> Int) { func addOne(number: Int) -> Int { return 1 + number } return addOne } var increment = makeIncrementer() increment(7)
func hasAnyMatches(list: Int[], condition: Int -> Bool) -> Bool { for item in list { if condition(item) { return true } } return false } func lessThanTen(number: Int) -> Bool { return number < 10 } var numbers = [20, 19, 7, 12] hasAnyMatches(numbers, lessThanTen)
numbers.map({ (number: Int) -> Int in let result = 3 * number return result })
numbers.map({ number in 3 * number })
sort([1, 5, 3, 12, 2]) { $0 > $1 }
class Shape { var numberOfSides = 0 func simpleDescription() -> String { return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides." } }
var shape = Shape() shape.numberOfSides = 7 var shapeDescription = shape.simpleDescription()
class NamedShape { var numberOfSides: Int = 0 var name: String init(name: String) { self.name = name } func simpleDescription() -> String { return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides." } }
class Square: NamedShape { var sideLength: Double init(sideLength: Double, name: String) { self.sideLength = sideLength super.init(name: name) numberOfSides = 4 } func area() -> Double { return sideLength * sideLength } override func simpleDescription() -> String { return "A square with sides of length \(sideLength)." } } let test = Square(sideLength: 5.2, name: "my test square") test.area() test.simpleDescription()
class EquilateralTriangle: NamedShape { var sideLength: Double = 0.0 init(sideLength: Double, name: String) { self.sideLength = sideLength super.init(name: name) numberOfSides = 3 } var perimeter: Double { get { return 3.0 * sideLength } set { sideLength = newValue / 3.0 } } override func simpleDescription() -> String { return "An equilateral triagle with sides of length \(sideLength)." } } var triangle = EquilateralTriangle(sideLength: 3.1, name: "a triangle") triangle.perimeter triangle.perimeter = 9.9 triangle.sideLength
class TriangleAndSquare { var triangle: EquilateralTriangle { willSet { square.sideLength = newValue.sideLength } } var square: Square { willSet { triangle.sideLength = newValue.sideLength } } init(size: Double, name: String) { square = Square(sideLength: size, name: name) triangle = EquilateralTriangle(sideLength: size, name: name) } } var triangleAndSquare = TriangleAndSquare(size: 10, name: "another test shape") triangleAndSquare.square.sideLength triangleAndSquare.square = Square(sideLength: 50, name: "larger square") triangleAndSquare.triangle.sideLength
class Counter { var count: Int = 0 func incrementBy(amount: Int, numberOfTimes times: Int) { count += amount * times } } var counter = Counter() counter.incrementBy(2, numberOfTimes: 7)
let optionalSquare: Square? = Square(sideLength: 2.5, name: "optional square") let sideLength = optionalSquare?.sideLength
enum Rank: Int { case Ace = 1 case Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten case Jack, Queen, King func simpleDescription() -> String { switch self { case .Ace: return "ace" case .Jack: return "jack" case .Queen: return "queen" case .King: return "king" default: return String(self.toRaw()) } } } let ace = Rank.Ace let aceRawValue = ace.toRaw()
if let convertedRank = Rank.fromRaw(3) { let threeDescription = convertedRank.simpleDescription() }
enum Suit { case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs func simpleDescription() -> String { switch self { case .Spades: return "spades" case .Hearts: return "hearts" case .Diamonds: return "diamonds" case .Clubs: return "clubs" } } } let hearts = Suit.Hearts let heartsDescription = hearts.simpleDescription()
enum ServerResponse { case Result(String, String) case Error(String) } let success = ServerResponse.Result("6:00 am", "8:09 pm") let failure = ServerResponse.Error("Out of cheese.") switch success { case let .Result(sunrise, sunset): let serverResponse = "Sunrise is at \(sunrise) and sunset is at \(sunset)." case let .Error(error): let serverResponse = "Failure... \(error)" }
struct Card { var rank: Rank var suit: Suit func simpleDescription() -> String { return "The \(rank.simpleDescription()) of \(suit.simpleDescription())" } } let threeOfSpades = Card(rank: .Three, suit: .Spades) let threeOfSpadesDescription = threeOfSpades.simpleDescription()
protocol ExampleProtocol { var simpleDescription: String { get } mutating func adjust() }
class SimpleClass: ExampleProtocol { var simpleDescription: String = "A very simple class." var anotherProperty: Int = 69105 func adjust() { simpleDescription += " Now 100% adjusted." } } var a = SimpleClass() a.adjust() let aDescription = a.simpleDescription struct SimpleStructure: ExampleProtocol { var simpleDescription: String = "A simple structure" mutating func adjust() { simpleDescription += " (adjusted)" } } var b = SimpleStructure() b.adjust() let bDescription = b.simpleDescription
extension Int: ExampleProtocol { var simpleDescription: String { return "The number \(self)" } mutating func adjust() { self += 42 } } 7.simpleDescription
func repeat(item: ItemType, times: Int) -> ItemType[] { var result = ItemType[]() for i in 0..times { result += item } return result } repeat("knock", 4)
// Reimplement the Swift standard library's optional type enum OptionalValue { case None case Some(T) } var possibleInteger: OptionalValue = .None possibleInteger = .Some(100)
func anyCommonElements <T, U where T: Sequence, U: Sequence, T.GeneratorType.Element: Equatable, T.GeneratorType.Element == U.GeneratorType.Element> (lhs: T, rhs: U) -> Bool { for lhsItem in lhs { for rhsItem in rhs { if lhsItem == rhsItem { return true } } } return false } anyCommonElements([1, 2, 3], [3])
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