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hql Hibernate.gethibernatetemplate()

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标签:io   ar   使用   for   sp   on   art   cti   amp   

1. find(String hql);  //普通查询

   示例:this.gethibernateTemplate().find("from User");


2. find(String hql,Object value);//一个查询条件

   示例:this.gethibernateTemplate().find("from User u where u.name=?","test");


3. find(String hql,Object[] values);// 多个查询条件

   示例:this.gethibernateTemplate().find("from User u where u.name=? and u.pwd=?",new String[]{"test","123"});

4. findByExample(Object exampleEntity,int firstResult, int maxResults)//分页使用


   User user= new User(); u.setActive("Active");

   List list=this.getHibernateTemplate().findByExample(user,firstResult,maxResults);  

   查询结果:状态为Active的用户(对象从0到20 计数)  


5. findByNamedParam(String hql,String paramName,Object value); //一个查询条件


   hql="from User u where u.name=:parName ";

   paramName= "parName";


   List list = this.getHibernateTemplate.findByNamedParam(hql,paramName,value);



6. findByNamedParam(String queryString , String[] paramName , Object[] value) //多个查询条件


   hql="from User u where u.name=:myname and u.pwd =:mypwd ";

   String[] paramName= new String[]{"myname","mypwd"};

   Sring[] value=new Strign[]{"bb","123"};

   List list = this.getHibernateTemplate.findByNamedParam(hql,paramName,value);




   public List excuteHqlPage(final String hqlStr, final int startRow,final int rowCount) throws DaoException {

   List<Object[]> list;

   try {

       list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {

       public Object doInHibernate(Session session)

       throws HibernateException, SQLException {

       org.hibernate.Query query = (org.hibernate.Query) session.createQuery(hqlStr);

       query.setFirstResult(startRow);// 定义从第几条开始查询

       query.setMaxResults(rowCount);// 定义返回的记录数

       List list = query.list();

       return list;



   } catch (Exception e) {

   throw new DaoException(DaoException.ERRORCODE_EXCUTEHQL);


return list;



8. 根据HQL/SQL 查询

   public List queryByHql(final String hql, final Object[] prams,final String sql) {

     return (List)  getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback(){

       public Object doInHibernate(Session session)

         throws HibernateException, SQLException {

            if(hql!=null && hql.length()>0){

           Query query=session.createQuery(hql);

           if(prams!=null && prams.length>0){

           for(int i=0;i<prams.length;i++){




     return query.list();


   SQLQuery sqlquery=session.createSQLQuery(sql);

   return sqlquery.list();






9. 保存/更新

   public String saveOrUpdateObject(ISuperVO vo) throws DaoException {

     try {

         String id = null;

         if (StringUtil.isEmpty(vo.getPid())) {


        } else {



        id = vo.getPid();

        return id;

     } catch (Exception e) {





10. getHibernateTemplate().delete(vo);  //删除


11. 根据条件删除

   public Integer deleteObjectsByWherePart(final Class voClass,final String wherePart, final Object[] parmaters)throws DaoException {

   try {

      Integer count = (Integer) getHibernateTemplate().execute( new HibernateCallback() {

     public Object doInHibernate(Session session)throws HibernateException, SQLException {

     Integer coun = null;

     String hql = "delete from " + voClass.getName()+ " where 1=1 ";

     if (wherePart != null && wherePart.trim().length() > 0) {

         hql = hql + " and " + wherePart;


     Query query = session.createQuery(hql);

     Object obj = null;

     if (parmaters != null && parmaters.length > 0) {

         for (int i = 0; i < parmaters.length; i++) {

            obj = parmaters[i];

           query.setParameter(i, obj);



     coun = query.executeUpdate();

     return coun;



   return count;

  } catch (Exception e) {




hql Hibernate.gethibernatetemplate()

标签:io   ar   使用   for   sp   on   art   cti   amp   


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