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SET markup html ON spool ON pre off entmap off set term off set heading on set verify off set feedback off set linesize 2000 set pagesize 30000 set long 999999999 set longchunksize 999999 column index_name format a30 column table_name format a30 column num_rows format 999999999 column index_type format a24 column num_rows format 999999999 column status format a8 column clustering_factor format 999999999 column degree format a10 column blevel format 9 column distinct_keys format 9999999999 column leaf_blocks format 9999999 column last_analyzed format a10 column column_name format a25 column column_position format 9 column temporary format a2 column partitioned format a5 column partitioning_type format a7 column partition_count format 999 column program format a30 column spid format a6 column pid format 99999 column sid format 99999 column serial# format 99999 column username format a12 column osuser format a12 column logon_time format date column event format a32 column JOB_NAME format a30 column PROGRAM_NAME format a32 column STATE format a10 column window_name format a30 column repeat_interval format a60 column machine format a30 column program format a30 column osuser format a15 column username format a15 column event format a50 column seconds format a10 column sqltext format a100 SET markup html off column dbid new_value spool_dbid column inst_num new_value spool_inst_num select dbid from v$database where rownum = 1; select instance_number as inst_num from v$instance where rownum = 1; column spoolfile_name new_value spoolfile select ‘spool_‘||(select name from v$database where rownum=1) ||‘_‘|| (select instance_number from v$instance where rownum=1)||‘_‘||to_char(sysdate,‘yy-mm-dd_hh24.mi‘) as spoolfile_name from dual; spool &&spoolfile..html SET markup html off set serveroutput on; exec dbms_output.enable(9999999999); exec dbms_output.put_line(‘<html>‘); exec dbms_output.put_line(‘<style>‘); exec dbms_output.put_line(‘th {font:bold 8pt Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif; color:White; background:#0066CC;padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;padding-bottom:2px}‘); exec dbms_output.put_line(‘</style>‘); exec dbms_output.put_line(‘<head>‘); exec dbms_output.put_line(‘</head>‘); exec dbms_output.put_line(‘<body>‘); SET markup html on prompt <p>VERSION select * from v$version; select * from dba_registry_history; prompt <p>Last startup time, version, and whether RAC select * from (select name db_name from v$database), (select instance_name from v$instance), (select archiver from v$instance), (select snap_interval awr_interval, retention awr_retention FROM DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL), (select flashback_on from v$database), (select parallel from v$instance), (select startup_time from v$instance), (select decode(name,null,‘NOT ASM‘,‘ASM‘) IS_ASM from (select null name from dual union all (select name IS_ASM from v$datafile where name like ‘+%‘ and rownum = 1))), (select max(end_time) rman_lastcompleted from v$rman_status where status = ‘COMPLETED‘ and object_type like ‘DB FULL‘) ; prompt <p>CPU or wait for the longest in 30 minutes select t.*, s.sid, s.serial#, s.machine, s.program, s.osuser from (select c.USERNAME, a.event, to_char(a.cnt) as seconds, a.sql_id --,dbms_lob.substr(b.sql_fulltext,50,1) sqltext from (select rownum rn, t.* from (select decode(s.session_state, ‘WAITING‘, s.event, ‘Cpu + Wait For Cpu‘) Event, s.sql_id, s.user_id, count(*) CNT from v$active_session_history s where sample_time > sysdate - 30 / 1440 group by s.user_id, decode(s.session_state, ‘WAITING‘, s.event, ‘Cpu + Wait For Cpu‘), s.sql_id order by CNT desc) t where rownum < 20) a, v$sqlarea b, dba_users c where a.sql_id = b.sql_id and a.user_id = c.user_id order by CNT desc) t, v$session s where t.sql_id = s.sql_id(+) ; prompt <p>Recent load status (based on AWR snapshot select s.snap_date, decode(s.redosize, null, ‘--shutdown or end--‘, s.currtime) "TIME", to_char(round(s.seconds/60,2)) "elapse(min)", round(t.db_time / 1000000 / 60, 2) "DB time(min)", s.redosize redo, round(s.redosize / s.seconds, 2) "redo/s", s.logicalreads logical, round(s.logicalreads / s.seconds, 2) "logical/s", physicalreads physical, round(s.physicalreads / s.seconds, 2) "phy/s", s.executes execs, round(s.executes / s.seconds, 2) "execs/s", s.parse, round(s.parse / s.seconds, 2) "parse/s", s.hardparse, round(s.hardparse / s.seconds, 2) "hardparse/s", s.transactions trans, round(s.transactions / s.seconds, 2) "trans/s" from (select curr_redo - last_redo redosize, curr_logicalreads - last_logicalreads logicalreads, curr_physicalreads - last_physicalreads physicalreads, curr_executes - last_executes executes, curr_parse - last_parse parse, curr_hardparse - last_hardparse hardparse, curr_transactions - last_transactions transactions, round(((currtime + 0) - (lasttime + 0)) * 3600 * 24, 0) seconds, to_char(currtime, ‘yy/mm/dd‘) snap_date, to_char(currtime, ‘hh24:mi‘) currtime, currsnap_id endsnap_id, to_char(startup_time, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘) startup_time from (select a.redo last_redo, a.logicalreads last_logicalreads, a.physicalreads last_physicalreads, a.executes last_executes, a.parse last_parse, a.hardparse last_hardparse, a.transactions last_transactions, lead(a.redo, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_redo, lead(a.logicalreads, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_logicalreads, lead(a.physicalreads, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_physicalreads, lead(a.executes, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_executes, lead(a.parse, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_parse, lead(a.hardparse, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_hardparse, lead(a.transactions, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_transactions, b.end_interval_time lasttime, lead(b.end_interval_time, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) currtime, lead(b.snap_id, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) currsnap_id, b.startup_time from (select snap_id, dbid, instance_number, sum(decode(stat_name, ‘redo size‘, value, 0)) redo, sum(decode(stat_name, ‘session logical reads‘, value, 0)) logicalreads, sum(decode(stat_name, ‘physical reads‘, value, 0)) physicalreads, sum(decode(stat_name, ‘execute count‘, value, 0)) executes, sum(decode(stat_name, ‘parse count (total)‘, value, 0)) parse, sum(decode(stat_name, ‘parse count (hard)‘, value, 0)) hardparse, sum(decode(stat_name, ‘user rollbacks‘, value, ‘user commits‘, value, 0)) transactions from dba_hist_sysstat where stat_name in (‘redo size‘, ‘session logical reads‘, ‘physical reads‘, ‘execute count‘, ‘user rollbacks‘, ‘user commits‘, ‘parse count (hard)‘, ‘parse count (total)‘) group by snap_id, dbid, instance_number) a, dba_hist_snapshot b where a.snap_id = b.snap_id and a.dbid = b.dbid and a.instance_number = b.instance_number and a.dbid = &&spool_dbid and a.instance_number = &&spool_inst_num order by end_interval_time)) s, (select lead(a.value, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) - a.value db_time, lead(b.snap_id, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) endsnap_id from dba_hist_sys_time_model a, dba_hist_snapshot b where a.snap_id = b.snap_id and a.dbid = b.dbid and a.instance_number = b.instance_number and a.stat_name = ‘DB time‘ and a.dbid = &&spool_dbid and a.instance_number = &&spool_inst_num) t where s.endsnap_id = t.endsnap_id order by s.snap_date desc ,time asc ; prompt <p>逻辑读最多 select * from (select sql_id, s.EXECUTIONS, s.LAST_LOAD_TIME, s.FIRST_LOAD_TIME, s.DISK_READS, s.BUFFER_GETS from v$sql s where s.buffer_gets > 300 order by buffer_gets desc) where rownum <= 10 ; prompt <p>Logical read most select * from (select sql_id, s.EXECUTIONS, s.LAST_LOAD_TIME, s.FIRST_LOAD_TIME, s.DISK_READS, s.BUFFER_GETS, s.PARSE_CALLS from v$sql s where s.disk_reads > 300 order by disk_reads desc) where rownum<=10 ; prompt <p>Maximum number of executions select * from (select sql_id, s.EXECUTIONS, s.LAST_LOAD_TIME, s.FIRST_LOAD_TIME, s.DISK_READS, s.BUFFER_GETS, s.PARSE_CALLS from v$sql s order by s.EXECUTIONS desc) where rownum <= 10 ; prompt <p>SQL parsing most select * from (select sql_id, s.EXECUTIONS, s.LAST_LOAD_TIME, s.FIRST_LOAD_TIME, s.DISK_READS, s.BUFFER_GETS, s.PARSE_CALLS from v$sql s order by s.PARSE_CALLS desc) where rownum <= 10 ; prompt <p>The disk is sorted most select sess.username, sql.address, sort1.blocks from v$session sess, v$sqlarea sql, v$sort_usage sort1 where sess.serial# = sort1.session_num and sort1.sqladdr = sql.address and sort1.sqlhash = sql.hash_value and sort1.blocks > 200 order by sort1.blocks desc ; prompt <p>Commits more than 10,000 session select t1.sid, t1.value, t2.name from v$sesstat t1, v$statname t2 where t2.name like ‘%user commits%‘ and t1.STATISTIC# = t2.STATISTIC# and value >= 10000 order by value desc ; prompt <p>SQL with a length of more than 100 SELECT SQL_ID, COUNT(*) line_count FROM V$SQLTEXT GROUP BY SQL_ID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 100 ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC ; prompt <p>Query shared memory share select count(*),round(sum(sharable_mem)/1024/1024,2) from v$db_object_cache a ; prompt <p>Table with parallelism select t.owner, t.table_name, degree from dba_tables t where trim(t.degree) <>‘1‘ and trim(t.degree)<>‘0‘ and owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘,‘ORDSYS‘,‘DBSNMP‘,‘OUTLN‘,‘TSMSYS‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ and owner not like ‘WK%‘ ; prompt <p>Index with parallelism select t.owner, t.table_name, index_name, degree, status from dba_indexes t where trim(t.degree) <>‘1‘ and trim(t.degree)<>‘0‘ and owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘,‘ORDSYS‘,‘DBSNMP‘,‘OUTLN‘,‘TSMSYS‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ and owner not like ‘WK%‘ ; prompt <p>Invalid index select t.index_name, t.table_name, blevel, t.num_rows, t.leaf_blocks, t.distinct_keys from dba_indexes t where status = ‘UNUSABLE‘ and table_owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘) and table_owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ ; select t2.owner, t1.blevel, t1.leaf_blocks, t1.INDEX_NAME, t2.table_name, t1.PARTITION_NAME, t1.STATUS from dba_ind_partitions t1, dba_indexes t2 where t1.index_name = t2.index_name and t1.STATUS = ‘UNUSABLE‘ ; prompt <p>Invalid object select t.owner, t.object_type, t.object_name from dba_objects t where STATUS=‘INVALID‘ order by 1, 2 ; prompt <p>Bitmap index and function index, reverse key index select t.owner, t.table_name, t.index_name, t.index_type, t.status, t.blevel, t.leaf_blocks from dba_indexes t where index_type in (‘BITMAP‘, ‘FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL‘, ‘NORMAL/REV‘) and owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘,‘ORDSYS‘,‘DBSNMP‘,‘OUTLN‘,‘TSMSYS‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ and owner not like ‘WK%‘ ; prompt <p>The combination of index columns is more than four select table_owner,table_name, index_name, count(*) from dba_ind_columns where table_owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘,‘ORDSYS‘,‘DBSNMP‘,‘OUTLN‘,‘TSMSYS‘) and table_owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ and table_owner not like ‘WK%‘ group by table_owner,table_name, index_name having count(*) >= 4 order by count(*) desc ; prompt <p>Indexed more than 5 numbers select owner,table_name, count(*) cnt from dba_indexes where owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘,‘ORDSYS‘,‘DBSNMP‘,‘OUTLN‘,‘TSMSYS‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ and owner not like ‘WK%‘ group by owner,table_name having count(*) >= 5 order by cnt desc ; prompt <p>Never indexed a large table select segment_name, bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 "GB", blocks, tablespace_name from dba_segments where segment_type = ‘TABLE‘ and segment_name not in (select table_name from dba_indexes) and bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 >= 0.5 order by GB desc ; select segment_name, sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 "GB", sum(blocks) from dba_segments where segment_type = ‘TABLE PARTITION‘ and segment_name not in (select table_name from dba_indexes) group by segment_name having sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 >= 0.5 order by GB desc ; prompt <p>There is a cross between the combined index of the table and the single column index select table_name, trunc(count(distinct(column_name)) / count(*),2) cross_idx_rate from dba_ind_columns where table_owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘,‘ORDSYS‘,‘DBSNMP‘,‘OUTLN‘,‘TSMSYS‘) and table_owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ and table_owner not like ‘WK%‘ group by table_name having count(distinct(column_name)) / count(*) < 1 order by cross_idx_rate desc ; prompt <p>Object is built on the system tablespace select * from ( select owner, segment_name, tablespace_name, count(*) num from dba_segments where tablespace_name in(‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSAUX‘) group by owner, segment_name, tablespace_name) where owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘,‘ORDSYS‘,‘DBSNMP‘,‘OUTLN‘,‘TSMSYS‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ and owner not like ‘WK%‘ ; prompt <p>Check whether the statistics are collected select t.job_name,t.program_name,t.state,t.enabled from dba_scheduler_jobs t where job_name = ‘GATHER_STATS_JOB‘ ; select client_name,status from dba_autotask_client ; select window_next_time,autotask_status from DBA_AUTOTASK_WINDOW_CLIENTS ; prompt <p>Check the object that was not collected or collected for a long time select owner, count(*) from dba_tab_statistics t where (t.last_analyzed is null or t.last_analyzed < sysdate - 100) and table_name not like ‘BIN$%‘ group by owner order by owner ; prompt <p>Temporary table for collecting statistical information select owner, table_name, t.last_analyzed, t.num_rows, t.blocks from dba_tables t where t.temporary = ‘Y‘ and last_analyzed is not null ; prompt <p>Log switching frequency analysis select * from (select thread#, sequence#, to_char(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘) from v$log_history order by first_time desc) where rownum <= 50 ; prompt <p>The amount of log switch every day in the last 10 days SELECT SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH:MI:SS‘),1,5) Day, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘00‘,1,0)) H00, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘01‘,1,0)) H01, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘02‘,1,0)) H02, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘03‘,1,0)) H03, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘04‘,1,0)) H04, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘05‘,1,0)) H05, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘06‘,1,0)) H06, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘07‘,1,0)) H07, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘08‘,1,0)) H08, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘09‘,1,0)) H09, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘10‘,1,0)) H10, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘11‘,1,0)) H11, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘12‘,1,0)) H12, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘13‘,1,0)) H13, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘14‘,1,0)) H14, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘15‘,1,0)) H15, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘16‘,1,0)) H16, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘17‘,1,0)) H17, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘18‘,1,0)) H18, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘19‘,1,0)) H19, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘20‘,1,0)) H20, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘21‘,1,0)) H21, SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘22‘,1,0)) H22 , SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS‘),10,2),‘23‘,1,0)) H23, COUNT(*) TOTAL FROM v$log_history a where first_time>=to_char(sysdate-11) GROUP BY SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH:MI:SS‘),1,5) ORDER BY SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, ‘MM/DD/RR HH:MI:SS‘),1,5) DESC ; prompt <p>Log group size select group#,bytes,status from v$log ; prompt <p>show recovery_file_dest usage select substr(name, 1, 30) name, space_limit as quota, space_used as used, space_reclaimable as reclaimable, number_of_files as files from v$recovery_file_dest ; select * from V$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE ; prompt <p>Check if the sequence is less than 20 select sequence_owner, count(*) CNT, sum(case when t.cache_size <= 20 then 1 else 0 end ) CNT_LESS_20, sum(case when t.cache_size > 20 then 1 else 0 end ) CNT_MORE_20 from dba_sequences t group by sequence_owner ; prompt <p>Table space usage set markup html off prompt <p> declare type NUMBER_ARRAY is table of number(15) index by varchar2(30); ts_free_mb NUMBER_ARRAY; cursor c1 is select tablespace_name, sum(free_mb) + sum(expired_mb) free_mb from (SELECT tablespace_name, round(sum(nvl(bytes, 0)) / 1024 / 1024, 2) free_mb, 0 expired_mb FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name union all select tablespace_name, 0 free_mb, round(sum(nvl(bytes, 0)) / 1024 / 1024, 2) expired_mb from dba_undo_extents d where tablespace_name = (select value from v$parameter where name = ‘undo_tablespace‘) and status = ‘EXPIRED‘ group by tablespace_name) group by tablespace_name; cursor c2 is SELECT /*+ rule */ tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024, 2) total_mb FROM dba_data_files where tablespace_name not in (select tablespace_name from dba_data_files where upper(AUTOEXTENSIBLE) = ‘YES‘) GROUP BY tablespace_name; ts_name varchar2(30); ts_total number(15); ts_used number(15); ts_free number(15); ts_rate varchar2(5); begin for rec1 in c1 loop ts_free_mb(rec1.tablespace_name) := rec1.free_mb; end loop; dbms_output.put_line(‘<table border="1" width="90%" align="center" summary="Script output">‘); dbms_output.put_line(‘<tr><th>ts_name</th><th>ts_total</th><th>ts_used</th><th>ts_free</th><th>ts_rate</th></tr>‘); for rec2 in c2 loop ts_name := null; ts_total := null; ts_used := null; ts_free := null; ts_rate := null; ts_name := rec2.tablespace_name; ts_total := rec2.total_mb; ts_free := nvl(ts_free_mb(ts_name), 0); ts_used := nvl(ts_total - ts_free, 0); ts_rate := to_char(round((ts_total - ts_free) / ts_total * 100, 2), ‘fm990.99‘); dbms_output.put_line(‘<tr><td>‘ || ts_name || ‘</td><td>‘ || ts_total || ‘</td><td>‘ || ts_used || ‘</td><td>‘ || ts_free || ‘</td><td>‘ || ts_rate || ‘</td></tr>‘); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(‘</table>‘); end; / prompt <p> set markup html on prompt <p>The size of the entire database select owner, round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) "GB" from dba_segments group by owner order by 2 desc ; prompt <p>Object size TOP10 select * from (select owner, segment_name, segment_type, round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024) object_size from DBA_segments group by owner, segment_name, segment_type order by object_size desc) where rownum <= 10 ; prompt <p>Recycle Bin situation (size and quantity) select * from (select SUM(BYTES) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 as recyb_size from DBA_SEGMENTS WHERE SEGMENT_NAME LIKE ‘BIN$%‘) a, (select count(*) as recyb_cnt from dba_recyclebin) ; prompt <p>Check who took up the undo tablespace SELECT r.name "roll_segment_name", rssize/1024/1024/1024 "RSSize(G)", s.sid, s.serial#, s.username, s.status, s.sql_hash_value, s.SQL_ADDRESS, s.MACHINE, s.MODULE, substr(s.program, 1, 78) program, r.usn, hwmsize/1024/1024/1024, shrinks ,xacts FROM sys.v_$session s,sys.v_$transaction t,sys.v_$rollname r, v$rollstat rs WHERE t.addr = s.taddr and t.xidusn = r.usn and r.usn=rs.USN Order by rssize desc ; prompt <p>Check who took up the temp tablespace select sql.sql_id, t.Blocks * 16 / 1024 / 1024, s.USERNAME, s.SCHEMANAME, t.tablespace, t.segtype, t.extents, s.PROGRAM, s.OSUSER, s.TERMINAL, s.sid, s.SERIAL# from v$sort_usage t, v$session s , v$sql sql where t.SESSION_ADDR = s.SADDR and t.SQLADDR=sql.ADDRESS and t.SQLHASH=sql.HASH_VALUE ; prompt <p>Observe the rollback segment, the temporary segment and the general segment No is automatically expanded select t2.contents, t1.* from (select file_name, tablespace_name, bytes, maxbytes, autoextensible from dba_temp_files union all select file_name, tablespace_name, bytes, maxbytes, autoextensible from dba_data_files) t1, dba_tablespaces t2 where t1.tablespace_name = t2.tablespace_name ; prompt <p>Table size of more than 10GB did not build the partition table select owner, segment_name, segment_type, round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024,2) object_size from dba_segments where segment_type = ‘TABLE‘ and bytes > 10*1024*1024*1024 group by owner, segment_name, segment_type order by object_size desc ; prompt <p>The top 10 partitions are the most select * from (select table_owner, table_name, count(*) cnt from dba_tab_partitions group by table_owner, table_name order by cnt desc) where rownum <= 10 ; prompt <p>Partitioned uneven table select * from (select table_owner, table_name, max(num_rows) max_num_rows, trunc(avg(num_rows), 0) avg_num_rows, sum(num_rows) sum_num_rows, case when sum(num_rows) = 0 then 0 else trunc(max(num_rows) / trunc(avg(num_rows), 0), 2) end rate, count(*) part_count from dba_tab_partitions group by table_owner, table_name) where rate > 5; prompt <p>A table with a column larger than 100 or less than 2 select * from (select owner, table_name, count(*) col_count from dba_tab_cols group by owner, table_name) where col_count > 100 or col_count <= 2 and owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ ; prompt <p>The table property is NOLOGGING select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, logging from dba_tables where logging = ‘NO‘ and owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ ; prompt <p>Table properties, containing COMPRESSION select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, COMPRESSION from dba_tables where COMPRESSION = ‘ENABLED‘ and owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ ; prompt <p>The index property contains COMPRESSION select owner, index_name, table_name, COMPRESSION from dba_indexes where COMPRESSION = ‘ENABLED‘ and owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘ ; prompt <p>Trigger select OWNER, TRIGGER_NAME, TABLE_NAME, STATUS from dba_triggers where owner not in (‘SYSTEM‘,‘SYSMAN‘,‘SYS‘,‘CTXSYS‘,‘MDSYS‘,‘OLAPSYS‘,‘WMSYS‘,‘EXFSYS‘,‘LBACSYS‘,‘WKSYS‘,‘XDB‘) and owner not like ‘FLOWS%‘; prompt <p>The foreign key is not indexed select * from (select pk.owner PK_OWNER, pk.constraint_name PK_NAME, pk.table_name PK_TABLE_NAME, fk.owner FK_OWNER, fk.constraint_name FK_NAME, fk.table_name FK_TABLE_NAME, fk.delete_rule FK_DELETE_RULE, ind_col.INDEX_NAME FK_INDEX_NAME, ind.index_type FK_INDEX_TYPE, con_col.COLUMN_NAME FK_INDEX_COLUMN_NAME, con_col.POSITION FK_INDEX_COLUMN_POSITION, decode(ind_col.INDEX_NAME, NULL, NULL, NVL(x_ind.status, ‘VALID‘)) IS_IND_VALID, decode(ind_col.INDEX_NAME, NULL, NULL, NVL(x_ind_part.status, ‘VALID‘)) IS_IND_PART_VALID from (select * from dba_constraints where constraint_type = ‘R‘) fk, (select * from dba_constraints where constraint_type = ‘P‘) pk, dba_cons_columns con_col, dba_ind_columns ind_col, dba_indexes ind, (select index_owner, index_name, status from dba_ind_partitions where status <> ‘VALID‘) x_ind_part, (select owner as index_owner, index_name, status from dba_indexes where status <> ‘VALID‘) x_ind where fk.r_constraint_name = pk.constraint_name and pk.owner = fk.owner and fk.owner = con_col.owner and fk.table_name = con_col.table_name and fk.constraint_name = con_col.CONSTRAINT_NAME and con_col.owner = ind_col.TABLE_OWNER(+) and con_col.TABLE_NAME = ind_col.TABLE_NAME(+) and con_col.COLUMN_NAME = ind_col.COLUMN_NAME(+) and ind_col.INDEX_OWNER = ind.owner(+) and ind_col.INDEX_NAME = ind.index_name(+) and ind_col.INDEX_OWNER = x_ind.index_owner(+) and ind_col.INDEX_NAME = x_ind.index_name(+) and ind_col.INDEX_OWNER = x_ind_part.index_owner(+) and ind_col.INDEX_NAME = x_ind_part.index_name(+)) where FK_INDEX_NAME is null order by FK_OWNER ASC ; /* Bad performance prompt <p>Hot block (summary) SELECT *+ rule * e.owner, e.segment_name, e.segment_type, sum(b.tch) tch FROM dba_extents e, (SELECT * FROM (SELECT addr, ts#, file#, dbarfil, dbablk, tch FROM x$bh ORDER BY tch DESC) WHERE ROWNUM <= 10) b WHERE e.relative_fno = b.dbarfil AND e.block_id <= b.dbablk AND e.block_id + e.blocks > b.dbablk group by e.owner, e.segment_name, e.segment_type order by tch desc ; prompt <p>Hot block (unfolded, not summary) SELECT *+ rule * distinct e.owner, e.segment_name, e.segment_type, dbablk,b.tch FROM dba_extents e, (SELECT * FROM (SELECT addr, ts#, file#, dbarfil, dbablk, tch FROM x$bh ORDER BY tch DESC) WHERE ROWNUM <= 10) b WHERE e.relative_fno = b.dbarfil AND e.block_id <= b.dbablk AND e.block_id + e.blocks > b.dbablk order by tch desc ; */ prompt <p>Appendix: check the parameter settings of session_cached_cursors and increase the parameter value if the usage rate is 100% SELECT ‘session_cached_cursors‘ PARAMETER, LPAD(VALUE, 5) VALUE, DECODE(VALUE, 0, ‘ n/a‘, TO_CHAR(100 * USED / VALUE, ‘990‘) || ‘%‘) USAGE FROM (SELECT MAX(S.VALUE) USED FROM V$STATNAME N, V$SESSTAT S WHERE N.NAME = ‘session cursor cache count‘ AND S.STATISTIC# = N.STATISTIC#), (SELECT VALUE FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME = ‘session_cached_cursors‘) UNION ALL SELECT ‘open_cursors‘, LPAD(VALUE, 5), TO_CHAR(100 * USED / VALUE, ‘990‘) || ‘%‘ FROM (SELECT MAX(SUM(S.VALUE)) USED FROM V$STATNAME N, V$SESSTAT S WHERE N.NAME IN (‘opened cursors current‘, ‘session cursor cache count‘) AND S.STATISTIC# = N.STATISTIC# GROUP BY S.SID), (SELECT VALUE FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME = ‘open_cursors‘); prompt <p>Appendix: all parameters of Oracle for reference show parameter set markup html off exec dbms_output.put_line(‘</body>‘); exec dbms_output.put_line(‘</html>‘); spool off /* Obtain awr、addm、ash */ --HTML tags are not used below SET markup html off spool ON pre off entmap off set trim on set trimspool on set heading off --select dbid、instance_number column dbid new_value awr_dbid column instance_number new_value awr_inst_num select dbid from v$database; select instance_number from v$instance; --Ash report in half an hour column ashbegintime new_value ashbegin_str column ashendtime new_value ashend_str select to_char(sysdate-3/144,‘yyyymmddhh24miss‘) as ashbegintime, to_char(sysdate,‘yyyymmddhh24miss‘) as ashendtime from dual; column ashfile_name new_value ashfile select ‘ashrpt_‘ || to_char(&&awr_inst_num) || ‘_‘ || to_char(&&ashbegin_str) || ‘_‘ || to_char(&&ashend_str) ashfile_name from dual; spool &&ashfile..html select * from table(dbms_workload_repository.ash_report_html(to_char(&&awr_dbid),to_char(&&awr_inst_num),to_date(to_char(&&ashbegin_str),‘yyyymmddhh24miss‘),to_date(to_char(&&ashend_str),‘yyyymmddhh24miss‘))); spool off; --Create AWR snapshot column begin_snap new_value awr_begin_snap column end_snap new_value awr_end_snap select max(snap_id) begin_snap from dba_hist_snapshot where snap_id < (select max(snap_id) from dba_hist_snapshot); select max(snap_id) end_snap from dba_hist_snapshot; declare snap_maxtime date; snap_mintime date; begin select max(end_interval_time) + 0 into snap_maxtime from dba_hist_snapshot where snap_id = to_number(&&awr_end_snap); select max(end_interval_time) + 0 into snap_mintime from dba_hist_snapshot where snap_id = to_number(&&awr_begin_snap); if sysdate - snap_maxtime > 10/1445 then dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot(); end if; end; / --The latest two AWR reports between snap_id column begin_snap new_value awr_begin_snap column end_snap new_value awr_end_snap select max(snap_id) begin_snap from dba_hist_snapshot where snap_id < (select max(snap_id) from dba_hist_snapshot); select max(snap_id) end_snap from dba_hist_snapshot; column awrfile_name new_value awrfile select ‘awrrpt_‘ || to_char(&&awr_inst_num) || ‘_‘ || to_char(&&awr_begin_snap) || ‘_‘ || to_char(&&awr_end_snap) awrfile_name from dual; spool &&awrfile..html select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_html(&&awr_dbid,&&awr_inst_num,&&awr_begin_snap,&&awr_end_snap)); spool off; --The longest AWR report available (all analyses since a week) column begin_snap new_value awr_begin_snap column end_snap new_value awr_end_snap select a.begin_snap, a.end_snap from (select startup_time, min(snap_id) begin_snap, max(snap_id) end_snap from dba_hist_snapshot group by startup_time) a, (select max(startup_time) startup_time from dba_hist_snapshot) b where a.startup_time = b.startup_time and rownum = 1; column awrfile_name new_value awrfile select ‘awrrpt_‘ || to_char(&&awr_inst_num) || ‘_‘ || to_char(&&awr_begin_snap) || ‘_‘ || to_char(&&awr_end_snap) ||‘_all‘ awrfile_name from dual; spool &&awrfile..html select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_html(&&awr_dbid,&&awr_inst_num,&&awr_begin_snap,&&awr_end_snap)); spool off; --Latest ADDM Report column addmfile_name new_value addmfile select ‘addmrpt_‘ || to_char(&&awr_inst_num) || ‘_‘ || to_char(&&awr_begin_snap) || ‘_‘ || to_char(&&awr_end_snap) addmfile_name from dual; set serveroutput on spool &&addmfile..txt declare id number; name varchar2(200) := ‘‘; descr varchar2(500) := ‘‘; addmrpt clob; v_ErrorCode number; BEGIN name := ‘&&addmfile‘; begin dbms_advisor.create_task(‘ADDM‘, id, name, descr, null); dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(name, ‘START_SNAPSHOT‘, &&awr_begin_snap); dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(name, ‘END_SNAPSHOT‘, &&awr_end_snap); dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(name, ‘INSTANCE‘, &&awr_inst_num); dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(name, ‘DB_ID‘, &&awr_dbid); dbms_advisor.execute_task(name); exception when others then null; end; select dbms_advisor.get_task_report(name, ‘TEXT‘, ‘TYPICAL‘) into addmrpt from sys.dual; dbms_output.enable(20000000000); for i in 1 .. (DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(addmrpt) / 2000 + 1) loop dbms_output.put_line(substr(addmrpt, 1900 * (i - 1) + 1, 1900)); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(‘‘); begin dbms_advisor.delete_task(name); exception when others then null; end; end; / spool off; exit;
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