标签:rap ade with setting can hana eve stand load
The default cache group is loaded based on the Cache::$default setting. It is set to the file driver as standard, however this can be changed within
the /application/boostrap.php file // Change the default cache driver to memcache Cache::$default = ‘memcache‘; // Load the memcache cache driver using default setting $memcache = Cache::instance();
$key = ‘AjSR/piQT24JaYEgh6V9tA==‘; $data = array(‘id‘=>1, ‘name‘=>‘liuchao‘); Cache::instance("file")->set($key, $data, 60); print_r(Cache::instance("file")->get($key)); //Cache::instance("file")->set($key, $data, (CFG_DEBUG?-1:60));
60 a:2:{s:2:"id";i:1;s:4:"name";s:7:"liuchao";}
标签:rap ade with setting can hana eve stand load