标签:详情 login oca list() __name__ calendar dig sort 错误
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import calendar, time, sys import Login reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding(‘utf8‘) def firstMenu(): print "请选择:" print "1、信用卡消费" print "2、信用卡提现" print "3、信用卡还款" print "4、查看当余额" print "5、打印账单" def listPrice(): ‘‘‘计算信用卡总额‘‘‘ his_price = [] f = file(‘buy_list.txt‘) for item in f.readlines(): price = float(item.split()[-1]) his_price.append(price) f.close() listPrice = sum(his_price) return listPrice def shopList(): ‘‘‘打印购物list‘‘‘ shopList_dic = {} print_dic = {} #读取文件的内容写入字典 f = file(‘shopList.txt‘) for item in f.readlines(): num = item.split()[0] price = float(item.split()[2]) shopList_dic[num] = price print_dic[num] = item #将字典排序,排序后的值为list list_sorted = sorted(print_dic.iteritems(), reverse = False) #打印字典的值 for k,v in list_sorted: print v, f.close() #返回值为列表 return list_sorted def consumption( ): ‘‘‘信用卡消费‘‘‘ #将接收到的list转换为dict shopList_dic = dict(shopList()) buy_list = [] price_list = [] while True: buy_time = time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘,time.localtime(time.time())) input = raw_input("请输入要购买的商品序号:").strip() if shopList_dic.has_key(input): buy_list.append(shopList_dic[input].split()[1]) price_list.append(float(shopList_dic[input].split()[-1])) while True: input = raw_input( "加入购物车成功,是否继续购物?yes/no\n").strip() if input == ‘yes‘: break elif input == ‘no‘: print "您购买的商品列表为:" for i in buy_list: print i,price_list[buy_list.index(i)] print "您一共选择了%s件商品,合计%s元!" % (len(buy_list),sum(price_list)) #读取之前购物列表清单总价 allPrice = listPrice()+ sum(price_list) if quota < allPrice: print "支付失败!您的信用卡额度为%s,您已经使用%s元!" % (quota,listPrice()) else: print "购买成功,感谢本次购物!" for i in buy_list: list_str = buy_time + ‘\t‘ + i + ‘\t‘ + ‘¥‘ + ‘ ‘ + str(price_list[buy_list.index(i)]) + ‘\n‘ f = open("buy_list.txt", ‘a‘) f.write(list_str) f.close() turnBack() sys.exit(1) else: print "输入有误!" else: print "您购买的商品还没有哦,我们会尽快上架!" def repayments(): ‘‘‘信用卡还款‘‘‘ back_time = time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘,time.localtime(time.time())) while True: input = raw_input("请输入还款金额:").strip() if input.isdigit(): input = 0 - float(input) back_str = back_time + ‘\t‘ + ‘信用卡还款‘ + ‘\t‘ + ‘¥‘ + ‘ ‘ + str(input) + ‘\n‘ f = open("buy_list.txt", ‘a‘) f.write(back_str) f.flush() f.close() print("还款成功,可用余额为:") listPrice() break else: print "请输入有效数字!" #返回上级 turnBack() def Cash(): ‘‘‘信用卡提现‘‘‘ cash_time = time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘,time.localtime(time.time())) while True: input = raw_input("请输入提现金额:").strip() if input.isdigit(): only = quota - listPrice()*(1+0.05) #print only if float(input)%100 == 0 and float(input) < only: cash = float(input)*(1+0.05) cash_str = cash_time + ‘\t‘ + ‘提现%s元‘ % input + ‘\t‘ + ‘¥‘ + ‘ ‘ + str(cash).split(‘.‘)[0] + ‘\n‘ f = open("buy_list.txt", ‘a‘) f.write(cash_str) f.flush() f.close() print "提现成功,请您注意查收!" break elif float(input)%100 != 0: print "亲,提现只能是整百的哦!" elif float(input) > only: print "亲,您的提现超出限额了哦!" else: print "亲,请输入有效数字!" #返回上级 turnBack() def TIME(): ‘‘‘获取当前月份月初日期和月末日期‘‘‘ day_now = time.localtime() #day_begin = ‘%d-%02d-01‘ % (day_now.tm_year, day_now.tm_mon) # 月初肯定是1号 wday, monthRange = calendar.monthrange(day_now.tm_year, day_now.tm_mon) # 得到本月的天数 第一返回为月第一日为星期几(0-6), 第二返回为此月天数 day_end = ‘%d-%02d-%02d‘ % (day_now.tm_year, day_now.tm_mon, monthRange) #print ‘月初日期为:‘,day_begin, ‘月末日期为:‘,day_end return day_end def printLitst(): ‘‘‘月底打印账单‘‘‘ print "您的信用卡额度为%s,您已经使用%s元!" % (quota,listPrice()) last_day=TIME().split(‘-‘)[-1] if now_day == last_day: f = file(‘buy_list.txt‘) buy_list = f.read() print "本月账单详情如下:" print buy_list #将本月账单另存为文件 list_day = TIME() mon_list = ‘%s_list.txt‘ % list_day y = open(mon_list,‘w‘) y.write(buy_list) y.close() #清空现有账单 f = open(‘buy_list.txt‘ , ‘w‘) f.truncate() f.close() #os.system(‘> buy_list.txt‘) #cp_cmd = ‘cp -r buy_list.txt buy_list`date "+%Y%m%d"`.txt‘ #SystemHelper.run_command(cp_cmd) else: pass #print now_day,last_day def overdue(): ‘‘‘逾期未还款‘‘‘ if float(now_day) > 10 and listPrice() > 0: overdue_time = time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘,time.localtime(time.time())) overdue = listPrice()*0.05 overdue_str = overdue_time + ‘\t‘ + ‘逾期扣息‘ + ‘\t‘ + ‘¥‘ + ‘ ‘ + str(overdue) + ‘\n‘ f = open("buy_list.txt", ‘a‘) f.write(overdue_str) f.flush() f.close() print ‘逾期扣息:%s元‘ % overdue #主菜单 def mainList(): print "welcome!!!" firstMenu() while True: input = raw_input().strip() if input == ‘1‘: print "欢迎使用信用卡消费,以下是购物清单:" consumption() break elif input == ‘2‘: print "信用卡提现,手续费5%哦!" Cash() break elif input == ‘3‘: print "亲,终于要还款了!" repayments() break elif input == ‘4‘: print "您的信用卡额度为%s,您已经使用%s元!" % (quota,listPrice()) #返回上级 turnBack() elif input == ‘5‘: f = file(‘buy_list.txt‘) buy_list = f.read() print "本月账单详情如下:" print "合计:",listPrice() print buy_list #返回上级 turnBack() else: print "输入有误,请重新输入!!" #返回上级菜单 def turnBack(): print "1、返回上级" print "2、退出" while True: input = raw_input("请选择:") if input == ‘1‘: mainList() elif input == ‘2‘: print "谢谢使用!" sys.exit(1) else: print "输入有误,请重新输入!" if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: #信用卡额度为15000 global quota quota = 15000 now_day = time.strftime(‘%d‘,time.localtime(time.time())) #now_day = ‘30‘ # 登录验证,验证通过返回值为true if Login(): print "您输入的用户名或密码错误已超3次,信用卡已锁定!!" else: #月底打印账单 printLitst() #逾期扣款 overdue() #主菜单 mainList()
标签:详情 login oca list() __name__ calendar dig sort 错误