标签:Lucene style blog color io os ar 使用 java
题记:今天在公司研究elasticsearch,突然看到一篇博客说elasticsearch具有索引修复功能,顿感好奇,于是点进去看了下,发现原来是Lucene Core自带的功能,于是就回家先学习下,正好也跟之前看的索引文件的格式相应。有空也研究下Lucene的一些小工具。
1. CheckIndex的使用
1 192:lib rcf$ java -cp lucene-core-4.8-SNAPSHOT.jar -ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex 2 3 ERROR: index path not specified 4 5 Usage: java org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex pathToIndex [-fix] [-crossCheckTermVectors] [-segment X] [-segment Y] [-dir-impl X] 6 7 -fix: actually write a new segments_N file, removing any problematic segments 8 -crossCheckTermVectors: verifies that term vectors match postings; THIS IS VERY SLOW! 9 -codec X: when fixing, codec to write the new segments_N file with 10 -verbose: print additional details 11 -segment X: only check the specified segments. This can be specified multiple 12 times, to check more than one segment, eg ‘-segment _2 -segment _a‘. 13 You can‘t use this with the -fix option 14 -dir-impl X: use a specific FSDirectory implementation. If no package is specified the org.apache.lucene.store package will be used. 15 16 **WARNING**: -fix should only be used on an emergency basis as it will cause 17 documents (perhaps many) to be permanently removed from the index. Always make 18 a backup copy of your index before running this! Do not run this tool on an index 19 that is actively being written to. You have been warned! 20 21 Run without -fix, this tool will open the index, report version information 22 and report any exceptions it hits and what action it would take if -fix were 23 specified. With -fix, this tool will remove any segments that have issues and 24 write a new segments_N file. This means all documents contained in the affected 25 segments will be removed. 26 27 This tool exits with exit code 1 if the index cannot be opened or has any 28 corruption, else 0.
当敲java -cp lucene-core-4.8-SNAPSHOT.jar -ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex 这个就能看到相当于help的信息啦,但是为什么这里用这么一串奇怪的命令呢?
标签:Lucene style blog color io os ar 使用 java