标签:print src coding click %s else imp spl 字符
# _*_coding:utf-8_*_ import pickle import os list_ec = [] while True: if os.path.isfile("course_list"): # 判断文件夹是否存在 with open("course_list", "rb") as f: list_aa = pickle.load(f) f.close() # print(list_aa) # 可以打开,每次读取完文件的时候,打印出来 nu = input(">>") # 输入列表内每个元素的首字符以"|"为分割符 if nu == "exit": break else: for i in list_aa: list_ec.append(i) if nu == i.split("|")[0]: number_a = list_aa.index(i) # print(number_a) # 打印出每次修改元素所在列表内的索引 ni = input(">:") # 输入增加的字符 nui = list_ec[number_a] list_ec[number_a] = "%s|%s" % (nui, ni) print(list_ec) # 输入完成后,打印出修改完成的字符 with open("course_list", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(list_ec, f) f.close() else: """ 文件夹不存在先把下面的信息写入创建文件的夹内 """ a = "Lili|python|linux" b = "admin|linux|python" c = "ak|python|go" list_a = [a, b, c] print(list_a) with open("course_list", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(list_a, f) f.close()
C:\Python35\python.exe C:/Users/pengi/Desktop/6-13/class_s.py [‘Lili|python|linux‘, ‘admin|linux|python‘, ‘ak|python|go‘] >>ak >:linux [‘Lili|python|linux‘, ‘admin|linux|python‘, ‘ak|python|go|linux‘]
标签:print src coding click %s else imp spl 字符