标签:出现 not 服务 The wait ted decode localhost and
在学习socket编程时,遇到代码返回如下错误: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str‘
首先可以明确,在python3中默认的编码方式是unicode。unicode 分为 utf-32(占4个字节),utf-16(占两个字节),utf-8(占1-4个字节),因此 utf-16就是现在最常用的unicode版本。 不过考虑到utf8省空间,在文件里存的还是utf-8。
1 #coding=utf-8 2 #创建TCP服务器 3 from socket import * 4 from time import ctime 5 6 HOST=‘‘ 7 PORT=21567 8 BUFSIZ=1024 9 ADDR=(HOST,PORT) 10 11 tcpSerSock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) #创服务器套接字 12 tcpSerSock.bind(ADDR) #套接字与地址绑定 13 tcpSerSock.listen(5) #监听连接,传入连接请求的最大数 14 15 while True: 16 print(‘waiting for connection...‘) 17 tcpCliSock,addr =tcpSerSock.accept() 18 print(‘...connected from:‘,addr) 19 20 while True: 21 data =tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) 22 #print(‘date=‘,data) 23 if not data: 24 break 25 tcpCliSock.send((‘[%s] %s‘ %(ctime(),data))) 26 27 tcpCliSock.close() 28 tcpSerSock.close()
1 #coding=utf-8 2 3 from socket import * 4 5 HOST = ‘localhost‘ # or ‘localhost‘ 6 PORT = 21567 7 BUFSIZ = 1024 8 ADDR=(HOST,PORT) 9 10 tcpCliSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) 11 tcpCliSock.connect(ADDR) 12 13 while True: 14 data = input(‘> ‘) 15 print(‘data=‘,data); 16 if not data: 17 break 18 tcpCliSock.send(data) 19 data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) 20 if not data: 21 break 22 print(data) 23 24 tcpCliSock.close()
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str’
In python 3, bytes strings and unicodestrings are now two different types. Since sockets are not aware of string encodings, they are using raw bytes strings, that have a slightly differentinterface from unicode strings.
So, now, whenever you have a unicode string that you need to use as a byte string, you need to encode() it. And whenyou have a byte string, you need to decode it to use it as a regular(python 2.x) string.
Unicode strings are quotes enclosedstrings. Bytes strings are being enclosed strings.
When you use client_socket.send(data),replace it by client_socket.send(data.encode()). When you get datausing data = client_socket.recv(512), replace it by data =client_socket.recv(512).decode()
因此,客户端传输信息时需要解码把 str类型 转换 bytes类型 用于传输,在接收到服务端信息后,需要进行编码,再把 bytes类型 转换成 str类型
1 #coding=utf-8 2 #创建TCP服务器 3 from socket import * 4 from time import ctime 5 6 HOST=‘‘ 7 PORT=21567 8 BUFSIZ=1024 9 ADDR=(HOST,PORT) 10 11 tcpSerSock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) #创服务器套接字 12 tcpSerSock.bind(ADDR) #套接字与地址绑定 13 tcpSerSock.listen(5) #监听连接,传入连接请求的最大数 14 15 while True: 16 print(‘waiting for connection...‘) 17 tcpCliSock,addr =tcpSerSock.accept() 18 print(‘...connected from:‘,addr) 19 20 while True: 21 data =tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ).decode() 22 print(‘date=‘,data) 23 if not data: 24 break 25 tcpCliSock.send((‘[%s] %s‘ %(ctime(),data)).encode()) 26 27 tcpCliSock.close() 28 tcpSerSock.close()
#coding=utf-8 #创建TCP服务器 from socket import * from time import ctime HOST=‘‘ PORT=21567 BUFSIZ=1024 ADDR=(HOST,PORT) tcpSerSock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) #创服务器套接字 tcpSerSock.bind(ADDR) #套接字与地址绑定 tcpSerSock.listen(5) #监听连接,传入连接请求的最大数 while True: print(‘waiting for connection...‘) tcpCliSock,addr =tcpSerSock.accept() print(‘...connected from:‘,addr) while True: data =tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ).decode() print(‘date=‘,data) if not data: break tcpCliSock.send((‘[%s] %s‘ %(ctime(),data)).encode()) tcpCliSock.close() tcpSerSock.close()
Python Socket TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' 错误提示
标签:出现 not 服务 The wait ted decode localhost and