标签:演示 The utils ide epo 唯一值 ima info har
unit Snowflake; (*Delphi版雪花算法 作者:不得闲 QQ:75492895 用于生成Int64位的唯一值ID,WorkerID用于区分工作站, ID会随着时间增加位数,每毫秒可生成4096个ID 用法: 创建全局变量:snow: TSnowflake; 创建对象:snow := TSnowflake.Create; // 不要忘了在退出时释放snow.Free; 调用: snow.WorkerID:=100; mmo1.Lines.Add( FormatFloat(‘#0‘,snow.Generate)); *) interface uses SysUtils, SyncObjs, DateUtils; type TWorkerID = 0..1023; TSnowflake = class private FWorkerID: TWorkerID; FLocker: TCriticalSection; fTime: Int64; fstep: int64; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property WorkerID: TWorkerID read FWorkerID write FWorkerID; function Generate: Int64; end; implementation const Epoch: int64 = 1539615188000; //北京时间2018-10-15号 //工作站的节点位数 WorkerNodeBits: Byte = 10; //序列号的节点数 StepBits: Byte = 12; timeShift: Byte = 22; nodeShift: Byte = 12; var WorkerNodeMax: int64; nodeMask: int64; stepMask: int64; procedure InitNodeInfo; begin WorkerNodeMax := -1 xor (-1 shl WorkerNodeBits); nodeMask := WorkerNodeMax shl StepBits; stepMask := -1 xor (-1 shl StepBits); end; { TSnowflake } constructor TSnowflake.Create; begin FLocker := TCriticalSection.Create; end; destructor TSnowflake.Destroy; begin FLocker.Free; inherited; end; function TSnowflake.Generate: Int64; var curtime: Int64; begin FLocker.Acquire; try curtime := DateTimeToUnix(Now) * 1000; if curtime = fTime then begin fstep := (fstep + 1) and stepMask; if fstep = 0 then begin while curtime <= fTime do curtime := DateTimeToUnix(Now) * 1000; end; end else fstep := 0; fTime := curtime; Result := (curtime - Epoch) shl timeShift or FWorkerID shl nodeShift or fstep; finally FLocker.Release; end; end; initialization InitNodeInfo; end.
标签:演示 The utils ide epo 唯一值 ima info har