标签:取出 money index book ase opp class bsp and
1 product_list = [ 2 (‘Mac‘, 9000), 3 (‘Kindle‘, 800), 4 (‘tesla‘, 900000), 5 (‘python book‘, 105), 6 (‘bike‘, 2000), 7 ] 8 9 saving = input(‘please input your money:‘) 10 shopping_car = [] 11 if saving.isdigit(): 12 saving = int(saving) 13 14 # for i in product_list: 15 # print(product_list.index(i),i) 16 while True: 17 # 打印商品内容 18 for i, v in enumerate(product_list, 1): # 逗号后面的数字是表示从多少开始索引 19 print(i, ‘>>>‘, v) 20 21 # 引导用户选择商品 22 choice = input(‘选择购买商品编号【退出: q】: ‘) 23 24 # 验证输入是否合法 25 if choice.isdigit(): 26 choice = int(choice) 27 if choice > 0 and choice <= len(product_list): 28 # 将用户选择的商品通过choice取出来 29 p_item = product_list[choice - 1] 30 31 # 如果钱够 ,用本金saving减去商品价格,并将商品加入购物车 32 if p_item[1] < saving: 33 saving -= p_item[1] 34 shopping_car.append(p_item) 35 print(‘***您已经将%s加入购物车***‘ % p_item[0]) 36 for i in shopping_car: 37 print(i) 38 print(‘您还剩%s元钱‘ % saving) 39 else: 40 print(‘余额不足,还剩%s‘ % saving) 41 print(p_item) 42 else: 43 print("编码不存在") 44 elif choice == ‘q‘: 45 print(‘---------您已经购买如下商品---------‘) 46 # 循环遍历购物车里面的商品,购物车存放的是已经买的商品 47 for i in shopping_car: 48 print(i) 49 print(‘您还剩%s元钱‘ % saving) 50 break 51 else: 52 print(‘invalid input!!‘)
标签:取出 money index book ase opp class bsp and