select * from students where classid=null; 错误
select * from students where classid is null; 正确
select * from users where name=‘admin‘ and password=‘‘or ‘1‘=‘1‘;
select * from users where name=‘admin‘ and password=‘??‘or ‘1‘=‘1??‘;
sql注入精髓:即在登录页面的密码栏输入以下代码:‘or ‘1‘=‘1
centos7 mariadb5.5 出现错误:This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its decafe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
解决方式:set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=TRUE;
grant all on dbname.* to username@‘192.168.23.%‘ identified by ‘centos‘;
注意此项配置的状态要设置好:skip-networking 只能本地连 端口都关了