标签:输出 进度 循环 字符串 bsp not int while循环 image
#格式化输出 %占位符,s字符串 d digit数字 %%只是单纯的显示%
#while else 当while循环被break打断,就不会执生else的结果
# % s d
# name = input(‘请输入姓名‘)
# age = input(‘请输入年龄‘)
# height=input(‘请输入身高‘)
# msg = "我叫%s,今年%s 身高%s" %(name,age,height)
# print(msg)
# name = input(‘请输入姓名:‘)
# age=input(‘请输入年龄:‘)
# job=input(‘请输入工作:‘)
# hobbie=input(‘你的爱好:‘)
# msg = ‘‘‘_________info of Ales Li_____________
# Name :%s
# Age :%d
# job :%s
# Hobbic :%s
# _______________end____________________‘‘‘%(name,int(age),job,hobbie)
# print(msg)
# name = input(‘请输入姓名‘)
# age = input(‘请输入年龄‘)
# height=input(‘请输入身高‘)
# msg = "我叫%s,今年%s 身高%s 学习进度3%%" %(name,age,height)#想要100%输出就加%
# print(msg)
#and or not
# x and y x True,则返回y
# print(2 > 1 and 1 < 4)
# print(2 > 1 and 1<4 or 2<3 and 9 > 6 or 2 < 4 and 3<2)
# print(0 or 4 and 3 or 2)
# print(2 or 1 < 3 and 2)
# print(1 and 2)
# print(0 and 2)
标签:输出 进度 循环 字符串 bsp not int while循环 image