标签:direct nbsp erp log rtu info The ftp img
1、cd 切换路径
用法:$ cd [directory-name]
快捷用法:$ cd ~ “可以快速切换到主目录,不管你当前所在的目录”
$ cd - “可切换到上一个目录”
2、mv 修改文件或文件夹名称
用法:$ mv [选项] 源文件或目录 目标文件或目录
Virtualhost infomation:
Your domain: www.binthought.com
Home Directory: /home/wwwroot/www.binthought.com
Rewrite: other
Enable log: yes
Database username: binthought_database
Database userpassword: cao@liulin$86&84
Database Name: binthought_database
FTP account name: binthought_ftp
FTP account password: 31456
Enable SSL: yes
=>Let‘s Encrypt
标签:direct nbsp erp log rtu info The ftp img