标签:color port encode break print class code 换行符 utf-8
import socket import json server = socket.socket() server.bind((‘‘, 8001)) server.listen(5) while True: coon, addr = server.accept() while True: ret = coon.recv(1024) Info = json.loads(ret) """ 因为尝试了很多次,输入都是正确的,但是都是显示登入失败 就想看看是不是哪里错,从这里打印看发现都是字符串 没有类型错误,但是就是一直发登入失败, """ # print(Info) # print(Info[‘name‘],type(Info[‘name‘])) # print(Info[‘password‘],type(Info[‘password‘])) flag = False with open(‘Info.txt‘, ‘r‘) as f: for line in f: # lst = line.strip(‘:‘) 从这里打印后,发现从文件读取时,会把换行符读取进去 # print(lst) 所以要加上strip()函数 name, passward = line.strip().split(‘:‘) # print(name,type(name)) # print(passward,type(passward)) if name == Info[‘name‘] and passward == Info[‘password‘]: flag = True break if flag: coon.send(‘登入成功‘.encode(‘utf-8‘)) else: coon.send(‘用户名或密码错误!‘.encode(‘utf-8‘)) server.close()
ort socket import json client = socket.socket() client.connect((‘‘, 8001)) while True: while True: name = input(">>>请输入账号:") password = input(">>>请输入密码:") Info = json.dumps({‘name‘:name, ‘password‘:password}).encode(‘utf-8‘) # print(Info) client.send(Info) ret = client.recv(1024) print(ret.decode(‘utf-8‘)) client.close()
标签:color port encode break print class code 换行符 utf-8