标签:soft 解决 this 命令 ida tor access sub umount
今天在通过WSL测试RPLIDAR时,发现$ls -l /dev |grep ttyUSB命令不起作用。遂想解决该问题。
Now, not only can you manually mount any drives on your system, we‘ve also added support for other file systems such as FAT, as well as mounting network locations. This enables you to access any drive, including removable USB sticks or CDs, and any network location you can reach in Windows all from within WSL.
to mount a removable drive D: as /mnt/d directory, run the following commands:
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/d
$sudo mount -t drvfs D: /mnt/d
now you will be able to access the files of your D: drive under /mnt/d.
if you wish to unmount the drive , run:
使用WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)挂载usb设备
标签:soft 解决 this 命令 ida tor access sub umount