标签:android style blog http color io os ar for
工作过程序中遇到一个需要完全关闭应用程序的问题,每篇都是用System.exit(0)或者android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid())这两种方法,但是我试过了,System.exit(0)这个根本不行,而android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid())这个只能关闭当前的Activity,也就是对于一个只有单个Activity 的应用程序有效,如果对于有多外Activity的应用程序它就无能为力了。
1 /** 2 * Have the system perform a force stop of everything associated with 3 * the given application package. All processes that share its uid 4 * will be killed, all services it has running stopped, all activities 5 * removed, etc. In addition, a {@link Intent#ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED} 6 * broadcast will be sent, so that any of its registered alarms can * be stopped, notifications removed, etc. 7 * 8 * You must hold the permission * {@link android.Manifest.permission#RESTART_PACKAGES} to be able to 9 * call this method. 10 * 11 * @param packageName The name of the package to be stopped. 12 */ 13 public void restartPackage(String packageName) { 14 try { 15 ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().restartPackage(packageName); 16 } 17 catch (RemoteException e) { } 18 }
1 ActivityManager activityMgr= (ActivityManager) this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE); 2 activityMgr.restartPackage(getPackageName());
1 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES" />
标签:android style blog http color io os ar for