标签:停止 install may do it 简单 start this usr his
mac下安装mysql 5.7,参考:https://gist.github.com/operatino/392614486ce4421063b9dece4dfe6c21
brew info mysql@5.7
brew install mysql@5.7
brew tap homebrew/services
brew services start mysql@5.7
brew services list
brew link mysql@5.7 --force
mysql -V
mysqladmin -u root password 'yourpassword'
# 启动
mysql.server start
# 停止
mysql.server stop
mysqladmin -uroot password "new_password"
mysql -uroot -p
MySQL said: Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: dlopen(/usr/local/lib/plugin/caching_sha2_password.so, 2): image not found
This is because Sequel Pro is not ready yet for a new kind of user login, as the error states: there is no driver. Quick fix for non-homebrew installs:
Apple Logo > System Preferences > MySQL > Initialize Database
, then type your new password and select ‘Use legacy password‘
After restart you should be able to connect. Do it only on fresh installs, because you may lost your db tables otherwise.
标签:停止 install may do it 简单 start this usr his