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INFO6002: Database Management 2

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School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
INFO6002: Database Management 2
Trimester 2, 2019 - Callaghan
Assignment 3 – Data Marts and Business Intelligence
Due: 10:00 am, Wednesday 7
th August 2019
WORTH 20% of final course mark.
This is an INDIVIDUAL Assignment.
Part 1: Data Mart Design (5 marks)
In this section you will design and document a data mart schema for Tasty’n’Yummy
Pizzas (the scenario discussed in Assignment 1).
Design a data mart schema to satisfy Tasty’n’Yummy Pizzas decision makers’
information needs. You need to only design the data mart schema only. You do not
need to implement it.
Write a short report (approx. 200 words excluding diagram & queries) which includes:
A. Documented schema
B. Subject-area/s covered by your data mart
C. A discussion of how the data mart satisfies the information analysis needs of
Tasty’n’Yummy Pizzas
D. Give 5 examples of analysis queries that your design supports.
Save your document as A3_<student name>_PizzaDataMartDesign.docx.
Part 2: Business Intelligence Reporting (15 marks)
Adventure Works is a fictitious company that manufactures and sells metal and
composite bicycles to North American, European and Asian commercial markets.
Adventure Works Data Warehouse contains a number of data marts for the fictitious
Adventure Works company.
Download and restore the AdventureWorks Data Warehouse database. The backup
file is available on Blackboard at Assessment / ASSIGNMENT 3 / Assignment
Specification / AdventureworksDW2017.zip
Part 2A: SQL Server Reporting Services (5 marks)
Create the following report using SQL Server Reporting Services. The report provides
the monthly and yearly reseller sales for Australian territory for all years.
Save the project as A3_<student name>_SSRSReport.
The format of the report is given below:
Monthly-Yearly Sales Report
Note that the data is sample data and does not contain the exact values from the
actual database.
Part 2B: Data Analytics – Report (5 marks)
Explore the data warehouse schema and data. Select subject area(s) that you would

INFO6002留学生作业代做、代做Data Marts课程作业、代写SQL编程作业
like to analyse in Adventure Works. Create data mart(s) either using either: SQL
Server Analysis Server, or Power BI.
Save the project/file as A3_<student name>_AWDataMart.
Analyse the data and write a Business Intelligence report based on the Adventure
Works data using:
Power BI’s visuals, dashboards etc. in your analysis, data visualisation and
presentation and/or
Excel’s BI features such as pivot tables, charts and graphs.
Your report will include data analysis, information discovered and helpful insights and
actions items from your data analysis. Include appropriate tables, charts, graphs etc.
in your report to present your findings.
Note that your target audience for the BI report is the business management team of
Adventure Works such as the CEO and senior management, so your BI report should
be understood by business managers.
Save your report as A3_< student name >_BIReport.docx
Part 2C: Data Analytics –Presentation (5 marks)
In addition to the written report, you will present your Business Intelligence analysis
during the Week 12 lab class. Your presentation should not exceed 5 minutes. Your
presentation should be professional with some form of visual demonstration (i.e.
Year Month Monthly Sales Amount
2001 January $2,345.98
February $2,532.99

Yearly Sales $1,232,322.99
2002 …
Save your presentation document as A3_<student name>_Presentation.<filetype>
Progress Monitoring
In this assignment, progress will be monitored at labs. Please ensure that you attend
the lab sessions to discuss your progress.
Sections Lab Session
Part 1 Week 10 lab
Part 2 (including preparation for your presentation) Week 11 lab
Submission Requirements
Your submission will include the following components:
Component Submission method Due date
1. Blackboard
submission of
project files
Submit to Blackboard link at
Assessments / ASSIGNMENT 3 /
Assignment 3 Blackboard Submission
Wednesday 7
2. Turnitin
submission of report
Submit to Turnitin link at
Assessments / ASSIGNMENT 3 /
Assignment 3 Turnitin Submission
Wednesday 7
3. Hardcopy
submission of report
Hand to lecturer at start of week 12
Wednesday 7
4. Presentation In-class presentation During Week 12 lab
10am – 12pm
Wednesday 7
1. Blackboard submission of project files
Your Blackboard submission will be a .zip file named A3_<student name>.zip
containing the following items. You will also use additional subfolders for the project
Contents Assessment
SSRS SSRS Project files
A3_<student name>_SSRSReport
Part 2A
DataMart Project files for your AdventureWorks Data Mart
A3_<student name>_AWDataMart
Part 2B
Presentation Presentation file
A3_< student name >_Presentation.<filetype>
Part 2C
2. Turnitin submission of report documents
Submit the following documents to Turnitin. These should NOT be put into .zip file.
Document Assessment question
Data Mart design document for Tasty’n’Yummy Pizzas
A3_<student name>_PizzaDataMartDesign.docx
Part 1
BI Report
A3_< student name >_BIReport.docx
Part 2B
3. Hardcopy submission of report documents
In addition to your Turnitin submission for the above files, please also submit a
hardcopy with a signed assessment cover sheet for the following documents:
Document Assessment question
Data Mart design document for Tasty’n’Yummy Pizzas
A3_<student name>_PizzaDataMartDesign.docx
Part 1
BI Report
A3_< student name >_BIReport.docx
Part 2B
4. Presentation
You will deliver your presentation during the Week 12 lab class. Projects that are not
demonstrated and presented will not be marked and may result in a zero mark for the
Assessment RUBRIC
The assessment RUBRIC is given below:
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Fail
Data Mart

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INFO6002: Database Management 2

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