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EINVRES Request to https://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/ failed with 502

时间:2019-08-15 10:59:06      阅读:141      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:ted   bad   sse   locate   oca   hosted   npm   was   library   

Bower install fails with 502 - Bad Gateway when downloading bower packages.

For example bower install for ember library gives following response in command line.

EINVRES Request to https://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/ember failed with 502

When http://bower.herokuapp.com/ is accessed directly from URL it gives the following message.

This Bower version is deprecated. Please update it: npm install -g bower. The new registry address is https://registry.bower.io


Bower is deprecating their registry hosted with Heroku. http://bower.herokuapp.com/ Will not be accessible anymore or it might be down intermittently, therefore, forcing users to a new registry.

Users working on old bower versions can update the .bowerrc file with the following data.

  "registry": "https://registry.bower.io"

Bower is deprecating their registry hosted with Heroku. http://bower.herokuapp.com/ Will not be accessible anymore or it might be down intermittently, therefore, forcing users to a new registry.

Users working on old bower versions can update the .bowerrc file with the following data.

  "registry": "https://registry.bower.io"

.bowerrc file can be located at the same folder where bower.json and bower_components folder is located. If it is not present already, you can make one.

For references check the below links

EINVRES Request to https://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/ failed with 502

标签:ted   bad   sse   locate   oca   hosted   npm   was   library   


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