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Change Assembly Version in a compiled .NET assembly

时间:2019-08-26 18:09:38      阅读:147      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:stack   lease   ase   sse   href   --   research   mic   out   

Change Assembly Version in a compiled .NET assembly

You can use ILMerge:

ILMerge.exe Foo.dll /ver: /out:Foo2.dll

A valid reason to do this is to increment the assembly version in a build in you find breaking changes (using NDepend for example). That way if there are no breaking changes the assembly version stays the same, and you can patch released builds easily.

We always increment the file version, and that reflects the build number. 





Change Assembly Version in a compiled .NET assembly

标签:stack   lease   ase   sse   href   --   research   mic   out   


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