标签:%s 方式 cti foo python 信息 mon 添加 object
2.增 删 改 查
class zoo: country = ‘china‘ def __init__(self,name,address,kind): self.name = name self.address = address self.kind = kind def monkey(self): print(‘this is monkey (%s)‘ %self.address) def tiger(self): print(‘this is tiger (%s)‘ %self.kind) def end(self): print(‘welcome to %s‘ %self.name) dwy = zoo(‘chinese\‘s zoo‘,‘beijing‘,‘others‘) zoo.monkey(dwy) zoo.tiger(dwy) zoo.end(dwy) # 对类的数据属性增 删 改 查 print(zoo.country) # 查看信息 zoo.country = ‘US‘ # 修改信息 print(zoo.country) zoo.snake = ‘this is snake‘ # 增加 print(dwy.snake) del zoo.country # 删除 del zoo.snake print(zoo.__dict__)
this is monkey (beijing) this is tiger (others) welcome to chinese‘s zoo china US this is snake {‘__module__‘: ‘__main__‘, ‘__init__‘: <function zoo.__init__ at 0x7fb30efb8d90>, ‘monkey‘: <function zoo.monkey at 0x7fb30efb8f28>, ‘tiger‘: <function zoo.tiger at 0x7fb30efc9048>, ‘end‘: <function zoo.end at 0x7fb30efc9378>, ‘__dict__‘: <attribute ‘__dict__‘ of ‘zoo‘ objects>, ‘__weakref__‘: <attribute ‘__weakref__‘ of ‘zoo‘ objects>, ‘__doc__‘: None} Process finished with exit code 0
class zoo: country = ‘china‘ def __init__(self,name,address,kind): self.name = name self.address = address self.kind = kind def monkey(self): print(‘this is monkey (%s)‘ %self.address) def tiger(self): print(‘this is tiger (%s)‘ %self.kind) def end(self): print(‘welcome to %s‘ %self.name) dwy = zoo(‘chinese\‘s zoo‘,‘beijing‘,‘others‘) # 调用 zoo.monkey(dwy) zoo.tiger(dwy) zoo.end(dwy) # 类的函数属性的增加 def eat(self,food): print(‘%s 正在吃%s‘%(self.name,food)) zoo.eat = eat print(zoo.__dict__) # 以列表的方式 查看是否添加进去了 dwy.eat(‘草‘)
this is monkey (beijing) this is tiger (others) welcome to chinese‘s zoo {‘__module__‘: ‘__main__‘, ‘country‘: ‘china‘, ‘__init__‘: <function zoo.__init__ at 0x7f90cdc3ed90>, ‘monkey‘: <function zoo.monkey at 0x7f90cdc3ef28>, ‘tiger‘: <function zoo.tiger at 0x7f90cdc4f048>, ‘end‘: <function zoo.end at 0x7f90cdc4f378>, ‘__dict__‘: <attribute ‘__dict__‘ of ‘zoo‘ objects>, ‘__weakref__‘: <attribute ‘__weakref__‘ of ‘zoo‘ objects>, ‘__doc__‘: None, ‘eat‘: <function eat at 0x7f90cdd49268>} chinese‘s zoo 正在吃草 Process finished with exit code 0
标签:%s 方式 cti foo python 信息 mon 添加 object