标签:could not 注解 ide 读取配置 word local bsp cto rop
Spring Boot项目中运行之后,出现如下的错误:
*************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: Failed to configure a DataSource: ‘url‘ attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured. Reason: Failed to determine a suitable driver class Action: Consider the following: If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath. If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular profile you may need to activate it (no profiles are currently active).
Could not resolve placeholder ‘elasticsearch.host‘ in value "${elasticsearch.host}"
问题原因: Mybatis没有找到合适的加载类,其实是大部分spring - datasource - url没有加载成功,分析原因如下所示.
没有配置spring - datasource - url 属性.
spring - datasource - url 配置的地址格式有问题.
配置 spring - datasource - url的文件没有加载.
@SpringBootApplication(exclude= {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class})
spring: datasource: url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/read_data?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false username: root password: 123456 driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
在spring xml配置文件中引用了数据库地址 所以需要对:等进行转义处理.但是在application.properties/或者application.yml文件并不需要转义,错误和正确方法写在下面了.
#错误示例 spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql\://\:1504/f_me?setUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 #正确示例 spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://
要在pom文件中<build></build>添加如下.来保证yml或者properties文件能被正常扫描到且加载成功.(intellij idea 运行时,扫描不到src文件夹(java文件夹)里面的配置文件)
<resources> <resource> <directory>src/main/java</directory> <includes> <include>**/*.yml</include> <include>**/*.properties</include> </includes> <filtering>false</filtering> </resource> <resource> <directory>src/main/resources</directory> <includes> <include>**/*.yml</include> <include>**/*.properties</include> </includes> <filtering>false</filtering> </resource> </resources>
intellij idea springboot无法读取配置文件的解决方法
标签:could not 注解 ide 读取配置 word local bsp cto rop