标签:不同 int cin iostream begin 检测 算法 append mpi
3 3 How to compete in ACM ICPC,Peter,peter@neerc.ifmo.ru How to win ACM ICPC,Michael,michael@neerc.ifmo.ru Notes from ACM ICPC champion,Michael,michael@neerc.ifmo.ru 2 3 1,Peter,peter@neerc.ifmo.ru 2,Michael,michael@neerc.ifmo.ru
NO 2 3 //这两行中出现数据冗余 2 3 //冗余出现在上面两行的这两列中 YES
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <set> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; vector<string> split(string source, string pattern) { vector<string> res; int spos = 0, epos, p_len = pattern.length() - 1,s_len = source.length()-1; source += pattern; char col = ‘1‘; while (spos<s_len && (epos = source.find(pattern,spos))&&epos!=string::npos) { stringstream stream; stream << col++; //在末尾加上列号,可以防止出现因为不同列数据重复现象 res.push_back((source.substr(spos, epos - spos)).append(stream.str())); spos = epos + 1; } return res; } int main() { FILE *fp = freopen("data5_9.in", "r", stdin); freopen("data5_9.out", "w", stdout); string line; int row, col; while ((cin >> row)&&row!=0) { //获取行列数 cin >> col; vector<string> str_vec; set<string> str_set; map<string, int> str_map; vector<int> res; //保存两行,一列重复 for (int r = 1; r <= row; r++) { getchar(); getline(cin, line); //重点使用 str_vec = split(line, ","); //由于没有split字符串分割函数,使用find和substr进行分割 vector<string>::iterator iter = str_vec.begin(); //进行迭代插入 int c = 1; for (; iter != str_vec.end(); iter++) { if (!str_set.count(*iter)) { str_set.insert(*iter); str_map[*iter] = r * 10 + c++; } else //出现同一列重复 { int r_r = (str_map[*iter] / 10)*10 + r; //23表示第2,3行重复 res.push_back(r_r*10+c++); //将重复的行列添加到res映射中 } } } if (res.empty()) //进行结果输出 cout << "YES" << endl; else { cout << "NO" << endl; int r_r = res.front(); cout << r_r / 100 << ‘ ‘ << r_r / 10 % 10 << endl; //输出行 for (vector<int>::iterator it = res.begin(); it != res.end(); it++) cout << *it % 10 << " "; //输出列 cout << endl; } } freopen("CON", "r", stdin); freopen("CON", "w", stdout); return 0; }
标签:不同 int cin iostream begin 检测 算法 append mpi