标签:mes ios stream 性能 join() unique eth provided cal
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <string> using namespace std; class LogFile { public: LogFile() { f.open("log.txt"); } ~LogFile() { } void shared_print(string msg, int id) { lock_guard<mutex> guard(mu); f<<msg<<id<<endl; } // Never return f to the outside world ofstream& getStream() { return f;} // Never pass f as an augument to user provided function void processf(void fun(ofstream&)) { fun(f); } private: ofstream f; mutex mu; }; void function_1(LogFile& log) { for(int i = 0; i >-100; i--) { log.shared_print("From t1: ",i); } } int main() { LogFile log; thread t1(function_1,ref(log)); for(int i= 0; i < 100; i++) { log.shared_print("From main: ",i); } t1.join(); return 0; } 当需要同时申请多把锁的时候,使用如下两种方式 lock(mtx1,mtx2) lock_guard(mtx1,adopt_lock) lock_guard(mtx2,adopt_lock) unique_lock lock1(mtx1,defer_lock) unique_lock lock2(mtx2,defer_lock) lock(lock1,lock2) unique_lock VS lock_guard lock_guard 不允许手动unlock/lock 性能消耗小 unique_lock更加灵活, 允许手动多次 unlock/lock 性能消耗大 void foo() { unique_lock<mutex> locker(mtx,defer_lock); defer_lock假定还没有上锁 // do something not using mtx mtx.lock(); // do something using mtx to protect mtx.unlock(); // do something else } Lazy Initialization #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; class LogFile { private: ofstream f; mutex _mu; mutex _mu_open; public: void shared_print(string& msg, int id) { { unique_lock<mutex> open_lck(_mu_open); if(!f.is_open()) { f.open("log.txt"); } } unique_lock<mutex> locker(_mu); // do other things } }; class LazyInitializationLogFile { private: ofstream f; mutex _mu; once_flag _flag; public: void shared_print(string7 msg, int id) { call_once(_flag,[&](){f.open("log.txt");}); unique_lock<mutex> locker(_mu); // do other things } } int main() { return 0; }
C++11之 unique_lock和lock_guard避免死锁
标签:mes ios stream 性能 join() unique eth provided cal