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python 爬虫抓取 MOOC 中国课程的讨论区内容

时间:2019-09-24 14:16:16      阅读:206      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:服务器端   tar   sessionid   开始   XML   slow   googl   隐式   exception   

一:selenium 库

selenium 每次模拟浏览器打开页面,xpath 匹配需要抓取的内容。可以,但是特别慢,相当慢。作为一个对技术有追求的爬虫菜鸡,狂补了一些爬虫知识。甚至看了 scrapy 框架,惊呆了,真棒!

网上很多关于 selenium 库的详细介绍,这里略过此方法。

二: requests 库

编写一个爬虫小脚本,requests 库极为方便。接下来进入正题,如何抓取 MOOC 中国上课程的讨论内容!

1. 分析网页数据

打开你需要抓取数据的课程页面,点击讨论区之后页面加载讨论的主题内容。F12 ---> Network ---> 刷新页面。会看到里面有很多请求的内容,讨论区内容肯定是数据包,类型的话 json 文件或 xhr 文件等。





2. 找到讨论区内容的包

按名称分析 xhr 文件,很快就会发现跟讨论区相关的文件:PostBean.getAllPostsPagination.dwr,鼠标点击文件看到该文件的详细情况。




 点击 Preview ,看到的是一大段 JS 代码,是否是我们需要的内容呢,得进行验证才可以得知。

3. 分析内容包 URL进行请求

阅读里面的内容,发现 .title .nickname 等字段信息,但是都是 Unicode 编码的。试着把 .title="" 的内容复制出来直接粘贴在 python 解释器里面就会出现该编码的中文字。



但是当我们复制 Request URL 到浏览器中进行访问时,是得不到需要的内容的,怎么办呢?

4. 根据响应去匹配需要的内容进行保存

继续分析请求头部的信息,最下面是 Request Payload , 存放了一些看不懂的数据内容,它的作用是浏览器发送请求时发送到服务器端的数据信息,和 Data Form 有些区别。但我们撸代码的时候一概作为附带的数据包发送给服务器就行了。其中几个关键的字段在代码里都会有注释信息理解,包括页码,每页数据的大小等。

5. 代码实现

  1 import requests
  2 import json
  3 import time
  4 import re
  5 import random
  7 def get_title_reply(uid, fi, http):
  8     url = https://www.icourse163.org/dwr/call/plaincall/PostBean.getPaginationReplys.dwr
  9     headers = {
 10         accept: */*,
 11         accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br,
 12         accept-language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,
 13         content-length: 249,
 14         content-type: text/plain,
 15         cookie: ‘‘,
 16         origin: https://www.icourse163.org,
 17         referer: https://www.icourse163.org/learn/WHUT-1002576003?tid=1206076258,
 18         sec-fetch-mode: cors,
 19         sec-fetch-site: same-origin,
 20         user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36,
 21     }
 22     data = {
 23         httpSessionId: 611437146dd0453d8a7093bfe8f44f17,
 24         scriptSessionId: ${scriptSessionId}190,
 25         c0-scriptName: PostBean,
 26         c0-methodName: getPaginationReplys,
 27         c0-id: 0,
 28         callCount: 1,
 29         # 根据主题楼主的 id 检索回复内容
 30         c0-param0: number: + str(uid),
 31         c0-param1: string:2,
 32         c0-param2: number:1,
 33         batchId: round(time.time() * 1000),
 34     }
 35     res = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, proxies=http)
 36     # js 代码末尾给出回复总数,当前页码等信息。
 37     totle_count = int(re.findall("totalCount:(.*?)}", res.text)[0])
 38     try:
 39         if totle_count:
 40             begin_reply = int(re.findall("list:(.*?),", res.text)[0][1:]) + 1
 41             for i in range(begin_reply, begin_reply + totle_count):
 42                 content_re =s{}.content="(.*?)";.format(i)
 43                 content = re.findall(content_re, res.text)[0]
 44                 # print(content.encode().decode(‘unicode-escape‘))
 45                 fi.write(\t + content.encode().decode(unicode-escape) + \n)
 46                 # time.sleep(1)
 47     except Exception:
 48         print(回复内容写入错误!)
 52 def get_response(course_name, url, page_index):
 54     headers = {
 55         accept: */*,
 56         accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br,
 57         accept-language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,
 58         content-length: 333,
 59         content-type: text/plain,
 60         cookie: ‘‘,
 61         origin: https://www.icourse163.org,
 62         referer: https://www.icourse163.org/learn/WHUT-1002576003?tid=1206076258,
 63         sec-fetch-mode: cors,
 64         sec-fetch-site: same-origin,
 65         user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36,
 67     }
 68     data = {
 69         httpSessionId: 611437146dd0453d8a7093bfe8f44f17,
 70         scriptSessionId: ${scriptSessionId}190,
 71         c0-scriptName: PostBean,
 72         c0-methodName: getAllPostsPagination,
 73         c0-id: 0,
 74         callCount: 1,
 75         # 课程 id
 76         c0-param0: number:1206076258,
 77         c0-param1: string:,
 78         c0-param2: number:1,
 79         # 当前页码
 80         c0-param3: string: + str(page_index),
 81         # 页码内容量
 82         c0-param4: number:20,
 83         c0-param5: boolean:false,
 84         c0-param6: null:null,
 85         # 毫秒级时间戳
 86         batchId: round(time.time() * 1000),
 87     }
 88     # 代理 IP
 89     proxy = [
 90         {
 91             http:,
 92             https:,
 93         },
 94         {
 95             http:,
 96             https:,
 97         },
 98         {
 99             http:,
100             https:,
101         },
102         {
103             http:,
104             https:,
105         },
106         {
107             http:,
108             https:,
109         },
110     ]
111     http = random.choice(proxy)
112     is_end = False
113     try:
114         res = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, proxies=http)
115         # 评论从 S** 开始,js 代码末尾信息分析
116         response_result = re.findall("results:(.*?)}", res.text)[0]
117     except Exception:
118         print(开头就错,干啥!)
119     if response_result == null:
120         is_end = True
121     else:
122         try:
123             begin_title = int(response_result[1:]) + 1
124             with open(course_name+.txt, a, encoding=utf-8) as fi:
125                 for i in range(begin_title, begin_title + 21):
126                     user_id_re = s{}.id=([0-9]*?);.format(str(i))
127                     title_re = s{}.title="(.*?)";.format(str(i))
128                     title_introduction_re = s{}.shortIntroduction="(.*?)".format(str(i))
129                     title = re.findall(title_re, res.text)
130                     if len(title):
131                         user_id = re.findall(user_id_re, res.text)
132                         title_introduction = re.findall(title_introduction_re, res.text)
133                         # print(f‘user_id={user_id[0]},title={(title[0]).encode().decode("unicode-escape")}‘)
134                         fi.write((title[0]).encode().decode("unicode-escape") + \n)
135                         # 主题可能未进行描述
136                         if len(title_introduction):
137                             # print(title_introduction[0].encode().decode("unicode-escape"))
138                             fi.write(\t + (title_introduction[0]).encode().decode("unicode-escape") + \n)
139                             get_title_reply(user_id[0], fi, random.choice(proxy))
140         except Exception:
141             print(主题写入错误!)
142     return is_end
144 def get_pages_comments():
145     url = https://www.icourse163.org/dwr/call/plaincall/PostBean.getAllPostsPagination.dwr
146     page_index = 1
147     course_name = "lisanjiegou"
148     while(True):
149         # time.sleep(1)
150         is_end = get_response(course_name, url, page_index)
151         if is_end:
152             break
153         else:
154             print(第{}页写入完成!.format(page_index))
155             page_index += 1
157 if __name__ == __main__:
158     start_time = time.time()
159     print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(start_time)))
160     get_pages_comments()
161     end_time = time.time()
162     print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(end_time)))
163     print(用时{}秒!.format(end_time - start_time))
requests 版
  1 from selenium import webdriver
  2 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  3 import time
  4 from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
  5 import requests
  7 def get_connect():
  8     chrome_driver = C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chromedriver.exe
  9     browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_driver)
 10     url_head = https://www.icourse163.org/learn/WHUT-1002576003#/learn/forumindex
 11     # 加载网页
 12     browser.get(url_head)
 13     # 获取课程标题
 14     title_link = browser.find_element_by_class_name(courseTxt)
 15     # 模拟点击进入详情页
 16     title_link.click()
 17     content = browser.page_source
 18     soup = BeautifulSoup(content, lxml)
 19     print(soup.text)
 20 def get_connect_slow():
 21     chrome_driver = C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chromedriver.exe
 22     browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_driver)
 23     url_head = https://www.icourse163.org/learn/WHUT-1002576003#/learn/forumindex
 24     # 加载网页
 25     browser.get(url_head)
 26     pages = browser.find_elements_by_class_name(zpgi)
 27     totle_page = int(pages[-1].text) + 1
 28     browser.close()
 29     with open(comments.txt, w, encoding=utf-8) as fi:
 30         for i in range(1, 2):
 31             browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_driver)
 32             url = url_head + ?t=0&p= + str(i)
 33             browser.get(url)
 34             # 多条内容
 35             comments = browser.find_elements_by_class_name(j-link)
 36             for comment in comments:
 37                 fi.write(comment.text + \n)
 38             print(第{}页评论写入成功!.format(i))
 39             browser.close()
 40 def get_connect_slow_1(course_url, course_name):
 41     chrome_driver = C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chromedriver.exe
 42     browser_1 = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_driver)
 43     url_head = course_url
 44     # 加载网页
 45     browser_1.implicitly_wait(3)
 46     browser_1.get(url_head)
 47     pages = browser_1.find_elements_by_class_name(zpgi)
 48     totle_page = 0
 49     if pages:
 50         for pg in range(len(pages)-1, 0, -1):
 51             if pages[pg].text.isdigit():
 52                 totle_page = int(pages[pg].text) + 1
 53                 break
 55     print(评论主题共{}页!.format(totle_page))
 56     with open(course_name + .txt, w, encoding=utf-8) as fi:
 57         for i in range(1, totle_page):
 58             try:
 59                 browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_driver)
 60                 browser.implicitly_wait(3)
 61                 url = url_head + str(i)
 62                 browser.get(url)
 63                 content = browser.page_source
 64                 soup = BeautifulSoup(content, lxml)
 65                 # course_title = soup.find(‘h4‘, class_=‘courseTxt‘)
 66                 # fi.write(course_title.text + ‘\n‘)
 67                 comment_lists = soup.find_all(li, class_=u-forumli)
 68                 for comment in comment_lists:
 69                     reply_num = comment.find(p, class_=reply)
 70                     reply_num = int(reply_num.text[3:])
 71                     if reply_num > 0:
 72                         try:
 73                             comment_detail = comment.find(a, class_=j-link)
 74                             fi.write(comment_detail.text + \n)
 75                             a_link = comment_detail.get(href)
 76                             reply_link = url.split(#)[0] + a_link
 77                             browser_reply = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_driver)
 78                             browser_reply.implicitly_wait(3) #隐式等待 3 秒
 79                             browser_reply.get(reply_link)
 80                             test_ = browser_reply.find_element_by_class_name(m-detailInfoItem)
 81                             reply_soup = BeautifulSoup(browser_reply.page_source, lxml)
 82                             # 楼主对主题的描述
 83                             own_reply = reply_soup.find(div, class_=j-post)
 84                             own_reply = own_reply.find(div, class_=j-content)
 85                             # 有楼主对主题省去描述
 86                             if own_reply.text:
 87                                 fi.write(\t + own_reply.text + \n)
 89                             # 别人对该主题的评论回复
 90                             reply_list = reply_soup.find_all(div, class_=m-detailInfoItem)
 91                             for reply_item in reply_list:
 92                                 write_text = reply_item.find(div, class_=j-content)
 93                                 fi.write(\t + write_text.text + \n)
 94                             browser_reply.close()
 95                         except Exception :
 96                             print(评论回复抓取失败!)
 97                     else:
 98                         fi.write(comment.find(a, class_=j-link).text + \n)
 99                 print(第{}页评论写入成功!.format(i))
100             except Exception:
101                 print(第{}页评论抓取失败!.format(i))
103 def run():
105     print(https://www.icourse163.org/learn/WHUT-1002576003?tid=1206076258#/learn/forumindex?t=0&p=)
106     course_url = input(输入课程地址,输入网址后空格再回车,如上:)
107     course_url = course_url.split( )[0]
108     course_name = input(输入课程名:)
109     start_time = time.time()
110     get_connect_slow_1(course_url, course_name)
111     end_time = time.time()
112     print(共用时{}秒!.format(end_time - start_time))
116 if __name__ == __main__:
117     run()
118     # 76 页评论
119     # 75-150页
120     # 共用时13684.964568138123秒!
selenium 版


python 爬虫抓取 MOOC 中国课程的讨论区内容

标签:服务器端   tar   sessionid   开始   XML   slow   googl   隐式   exception   


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