标签:文件 host code bin cat pre dir sub false
VBA Project密码解除
‘使用本代码之前需要将需要解除密码保护的含有宏的Excel文件(如果是xlsm文件,需要先另存为97-03版的xls文件)关闭 ‘新建一个Excel工作簿,Alt+F11 打开VBA编辑器,新建一个模块 ,复制以下代码 ‘移除VBA编码保护 Sub MoveProtect() Dim FileName As String FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel文件(*.xls & *.xla),*.xls;*.xla", , "VBA破解") If FileName = CStr(False) Then Exit Sub Else VBAPassword FileName, False End If End Sub ‘设置VBA编码保护 Sub SetProtect() Dim FileName As String FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel文件(*.xls & *.xla),*.xls;*.xla", , "VBA破解") If FileName = CStr(False) Then Exit Sub Else VBAPassword FileName, True End If End Sub Private Function VBAPassword(FileName As String, Optional Protect As Boolean = False) If Dir(FileName) = "" Then Exit Function Else FileCopy FileName, FileName & ".bak" End If Dim GetData As String * 5 Open FileName For Binary As #1 Dim CMGs As Long Dim DPBo As Long For i = 1 To LOF(1) Get #1, i, GetData If GetData = "CMG=""" Then CMGs = i If GetData = "[Host" Then DPBo = i - 2: Exit For Next If CMGs = 0 Then MsgBox "请先对VBA编码设置一个保护密码...", 32, "提示" Exit Function End If If Protect = False Then Dim St As String * 2 Dim s20 As String * 1 ‘取得一个0D0A十六进制字串 Get #1, CMGs - 2, St ‘取得一个20十六制字串 Get #1, DPBo + 16, s20 ‘替换加密部份机码 For i = CMGs To DPBo Step 2 Put #1, i, St Next ‘加入不配对符号 If (DPBo - CMGs) Mod 2 <> 0 Then Put #1, DPBo + 1, s20 End If MsgBox "文件解密成功......", 32, "提示" Else Dim MMs As String * 5 MMs = "DPB=""" Put #1, CMGs, MMs MsgBox "对文件特殊加密成功......", 32, "提示" End If Close #1 End Function
标签:文件 host code bin cat pre dir sub false