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Activiti(1) - TaskRuntime API 入门

时间:2019-10-05 20:08:35      阅读:180      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:autowired   ring   eal   string   官方文档   sim   wing   following   example   

Activiti 是一个自动化工作流框架。它能帮助企业快速搭建分布式、高扩展的工作流框架。
下面这篇文章将会带你探索Activiti 工作流核心运行时API - TaskRuntime API。(P.S. 这篇文章基本上是我对官网文章的翻译,英文好的请看官网原文

TaskRuntime API

TaskRunTime API 部分的例子可以在activiti-api-basic-task-example模块中找到。


在Spring Boot2 中使用Activiti添加相关依赖以及数据库驱动就行。






private TaskRuntime taskRuntime;


public interface TaskRuntime {
  TaskRuntimeConfiguration configuration();
  Task task(String taskId);
  Page tasks(Pageable pageable);
  Page tasks(Pageable pageable, GetTasksPayload payload);
  Task create(CreateTaskPayload payload);
  Task claim(ClaimTaskPayload payload);
  Task release(ReleaseTaskPayload payload);
  Task complete(CompleteTaskPayload payload);
  Task update(UpdateTaskPayload payload);
  Task delete(DeleteTaskPayload payload);


                .withName("First Team Task")
                .withDescription("This is something really important")

上面方式创建的任务只能被 “activitiTeam” 这个分组以及任务拥有者(当前登录用户)看到。


在SpringBoot 工程中,为了安全考虑,角色和分组的创建Activiti依赖Spring Security 模块。在SpringBoot 工程中我们可以使用 UserDetailsService来配置可以与任务进行交互的用户以及他们各自对应的角色和分组。这个demo中是在@Configuration 配置的类中进行设置的.

需要注意的是:与TaskRuntime API 交互,必须拥有 ACTIVITI_USER 角色 (权限是: ROLE_ACTIVITI_USER)。




public TaskRuntimeEventListener taskAssignedListener() {
  return taskAssigned
           -> logger.info(
                 ">>> Task Assigned: '"
                + taskAssigned.getEntity().getName()
                +"' We can send a notification to the assignee: "
                + taskAssigned.getEntity().getAssignee());

DemoApplication 源码


package org.activiti.examples;

import org.activiti.api.runtime.shared.query.Page;
import org.activiti.api.runtime.shared.query.Pageable;
import org.activiti.api.task.model.Task;
import org.activiti.api.task.model.builders.TaskPayloadBuilder;
import org.activiti.api.task.runtime.TaskRuntime;
import org.activiti.api.task.runtime.events.TaskAssignedEvent;
import org.activiti.api.task.runtime.events.TaskCompletedEvent;
import org.activiti.api.task.runtime.events.listener.TaskRuntimeEventListener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;

public class DemoApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemoApplication.class);

    private TaskRuntime taskRuntime;
    private SecurityUtil securityUtil;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);


    public void run(String... args) {

        // Using Security Util to simulate a logged in user

        // Let's create a Group Task (not assigned, all the members of the group can claim it)
        //  Here 'salaboy' is the owner of the created task
        logger.info("> Creating a Group Task for 'activitiTeam'");
                .withName("First Team Task")
                .withDescription("This is something really important")

        // Let's log in as 'other' user that doesn't belong to the 'activitiTeam' group

        // Let's get all my tasks (as 'other' user)
        logger.info("> Getting all the tasks");
        Page<Task> tasks = taskRuntime.tasks(Pageable.of(0, 10));

        // No tasks are returned
        logger.info(">  Other cannot see the task: " + tasks.getTotalItems());

        // Now let's switch to a user that belongs to the activitiTeam

        // Let's get 'erdemedeiros' tasks
        logger.info("> Getting all the tasks");
        tasks = taskRuntime.tasks(Pageable.of(0, 10));

        // 'erdemedeiros' can see and claim the task
        logger.info(">  erdemedeiros can see the task: " + tasks.getTotalItems());

        String availableTaskId = tasks.getContent().get(0).getId();

        // Let's claim the task, after the claim, nobody else can see the task and 'erdemedeiros' becomes the assignee
        logger.info("> Claiming the task");

        // Let's complete the task
        logger.info("> Completing the task");

    public TaskRuntimeEventListener<TaskAssignedEvent> taskAssignedListener() {
        return taskAssigned -> logger.info(">>> Task Assigned: '"
                + taskAssigned.getEntity().getName() +
                "' We can send a notification to the assginee: " + taskAssigned.getEntity().getAssignee());
    public TaskRuntimeEventListener<TaskCompletedEvent> taskCompletedListener() {
        return taskCompleted -> logger.info(">>> Task Completed: '"
                + taskCompleted.getEntity().getName() +
                "' We can send a notification to the owner: " + taskCompleted.getEntity().getOwner());


2019-10-05 16:58:53.900 INFO 6268 --- [ main] o.a.e.DemoApplicationConfiguration : > Registering new user: salaboy with the following Authorities[[ROLE_ACTIVITI_USER, GROUP_activitiTeam]]
2019-10-05 16:58:54.175 INFO 6268 --- [ main] o.a.e.DemoApplicationConfiguration : > Registering new user: ryandawsonuk with the following Authorities[[ROLE_ACTIVITI_USER, GROUP_activitiTeam]]
2019-10-05 16:58:54.422 INFO 6268 --- [ main] o.a.e.DemoApplicationConfiguration : > Registering new user: erdemedeiros with the following Authorities[[ROLE_ACTIVITI_USER, GROUP_activitiTeam]]
2019-10-05 16:58:54.580 INFO 6268 --- [ main] o.a.e.DemoApplicationConfiguration : > Registering new user: other with the following Authorities[[ROLE_ACTIVITI_USER, GROUP_otherTeam]]
2019-10-05 16:58:54.742 INFO 6268 --- [ main] o.a.e.DemoApplicationConfiguration : > Registering new user: admin with the following Authorities[[ROLE_ACTIVITI_ADMIN]]
2019-10-05 16:59:00.232 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.SecurityUtil : > Logged in as: salaboy
2019-10-05 16:59:00.233 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : > Creating a Group Task for ‘activitiTeam‘
2019-10-05 16:59:00.261 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.SecurityUtil : > Logged in as: other
2019-10-05 16:59:00.261 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : > Getting all the tasks
2019-10-05 16:59:00.380 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : > Other cannot see the task: 0
2019-10-05 16:59:00.380 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.SecurityUtil : > Logged in as: erdemedeiros
2019-10-05 16:59:00.380 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : > Getting all the tasks
2019-10-05 16:59:00.395 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : > erdemedeiros can see the task: 1
2019-10-05 16:59:00.395 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : > Claiming the task
2019-10-05 16:59:00.405 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : >>> Task Assigned: ‘First Team Task‘ We can send a notification to the assginee: erdemedeiros
2019-10-05 16:59:00.425 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : > Completing the task
2019-10-05 16:59:00.457 INFO 6268 --- [ main] org.activiti.examples.DemoApplication : >>> Task Completed: ‘First Team Task‘ We can send a notification to the owner: salaboy

Activiti(1) - TaskRuntime API 入门

标签:autowired   ring   eal   string   官方文档   sim   wing   following   example   


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