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C# - Passing Reference-Type Parameters

时间:2014-10-28 17:55:49      阅读:227      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:passing   reference-type   parameters   c#   

A variable of a reference type does not contain its data directly; it contains a reference to its data. When you pass a reference-type parameter by value, it is possible to change the data pointed to by the reference, such as the value of a class member. However, you cannot change the value of the reference itself; that is, you cannot use the same reference to allocate memory for a new class and have it persist outside the block. To do that, pass the parameter using the ref or out keyword.

C# - Passing Reference-Type Parameters

标签:passing   reference-type   parameters   c#   


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