标签:-- one null 标点符号 动态sql 使用 ber 防止 each
<!-- 动态sql --> <!-- 动态更新用户信息,注意用于判断时标点符号的注意--> <!-- <set>会根据相应的消除无关的逗号--> <update id="DynamicUpdateStu" parameterType="Student"> update student <set> <if test="username !=null">username=#{username},</if> <if test="password !=null">password=#{password},</if> <if test="clazznumber !=null">clazznumber=#{clazznumber},</if> <if test="clazzname !=null">clazzname=#{clazzname},</if> <if test="sex !=null">sex=#{sex},</if> <if test="address !=null">address=#{address},</if> <if test="email !=null">email=#{email},</if> <if test="phone !=null">phone=#{phone},</if> <if test="flag !=null">flag=#{flag},</if> </set> where id=#{id} </update> <!-- 动态查询用户信息,返回可以是一个集合 --> <select id="DynamicSelectStu" parameterType="hashmap" resultType="Student"> select * from student where flag=1 <choose> <when test="id !=null">and id = #{id}</when> <when test="username != null"> and username = #{username}</when> <otherwise> and sex = 1 </otherwise> </choose> </select> <!-- 方法二,防止为传入参数查询报错 --> <!-- 使用<where>防止未传入参数报错 --> <select id="DynamicSelectStu2" parameterType="hashmap" resultType="Student"> select * from student <where> <if test="id !=null"> id=#{id}</if> <if test="username !=null"> username=#{username}</if> <if test="flag !=null"> flag=#{flag}</if> </where> </select> <select id="DynamicSelectStuIn" resultType="Student"> select * from student where id in <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" open="(" separator="," close=")" > #{item} </foreach> </select> <!-- bind模糊查询 --> <select id="DynamicSelectStuLikeName" parameterType="Student" resultType="Student"> <bind name="pattern" value="‘%‘ + _parameter.getUsername() +‘%‘"/> select * from student where username like #{pattern} </select>
标签:-- one null 标点符号 动态sql 使用 ber 防止 each