在 Emacs 中集成 Recoll 全文搜索
1 需求
时间一长,平常收集的资料就多了,于是使用了 recoll 全文搜索,但是在Emacs 中工作时 间多,搜索要在 Emacs 和 Recoll 图形界面中来回切换,很不方便。而且,如果本地文件 中找不到,要用搜索引擎到网上搜索的话就更麻烦了,于是想能不能把这需要整合一下,平 时找东西直接开 Recoll 搜索,如果没有的话可以一键切到 Google 搜索结果。
2 解决办法
- 原来的办法
这是在网上搜索到的办法,最大的问题就是你看不到摘要,只有在 minibuffer 中看文件名 猜其中有啥,如果不是你想要的东西,还得再输入搜索字符串,重来一回,比在 recoll 图形界面中还要麻烦。
(defun counsel-recoll-function (string &rest _unused) "Issue recallq for STRING." (if (< (length string) 3) (counsel-more-chars 3) (counsel--async-command (format "recollq -b ‘%s‘" string)) nil)) (defun counsel-recoll (&optional initial-input) "Search for a string in the recoll database. You‘ll be given a list of files that match. Selecting a file will launch `swiper‘ for that file. INITIAL-INPUT can be given as the initial minibuffer input." (interactive) (ivy-read "recoll: " ‘counsel-recoll-function :initial-input initial-input :dynamic-collection t :history ‘counsel-git-grep-history :action (lambda (x) (when (string-match "file://\\(.*\\)\\‘" x) (let ((file-name (match-string 1 x))) (find-file file-name) (unless (string-match "pdf$" x) (swiper ivy-text)))))))
- 我的解决办法
使用 "recoll -t -A query" 输出查询结果到 Emacs 缓冲中,包含摘要等内容,然后构 建成 html 文档,再用 `eww-display-html‘ 来显示缓冲。
(defvar recoll-to-html-temmplate "~/Templates/recoll-to-html-template.html") (defun recoll-to-html(query) "Use recoll search local file as eww, require `org‘,`eww‘,and recoll installed and indexed. You can press `n‘ to call `eww-next-url‘ google the QUERY." (interactive "sSearch Words:") (require ‘org) (require ‘eww) (let ((source nil) (google-search-url (format "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s" (url-hexify-string query))) (content-tail-marker nil) (buffer (get-buffer-create "*recoll*"))) (with-current-buffer buffer (setq inhibit-read-only t ) (display-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer) ;; insert template and goto the body insert point (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name recoll-to-html-temmplate)) (if (not (re-search-forward "<body>\n</body>" nil t)) (message "Invalid html template") ) (goto-char (- (point) 7)) (setq marker-beg (point)) ;; insert the search result (insert (shell-command-to-string (format "recoll -t -A ‘%s‘" query))) (setq content-tail-marker (point)) ;; change the keyword display color (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "\nABSTRACT\n\\(.+\\)\n/ABSTRACT" nil t) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) (goto-char (point-min)) (replace-string query (concat "<span style=\"color:#F00\">" query "</span>" )) ) ) ;; insert paragraph tags (narrow-to-region marker-beg (point-max)) (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "<h1>") (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 2) (insert "</h1>" "\n<p>Search with Google: <a href=\"" google-search-url "\">" query "</a></p>" "\n<p>") (goto-char (point-min)) (replace-string "\nABSTRACT\n" "</p>\n<p>") (goto-char (point-min)) (replace-string "\n/ABSTRACT\n" "</p>\n<p>") (goto-char (point-min)) (replace-string "\n/ABSTRACT" "</p>\n<p>") (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "</p>") (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "bytes\n\\([\n]+\\)" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) ) ;; construct html url href (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "\\[\\(.*\\)\\] \\[\\(.*\\)\\]" nil t) (let ((match-len (length (match-string 0))) (esc-str (org-link-escape (match-string 1))) (display-str (match-string 2)) (marker-max (point)) ) (delete-region (- marker-max match-len) marker-max) (insert "<a href=\"" esc-str "\">" display-str "</a>") ) ) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "\n<p>Search with Google: <a href=\"" google-search-url "\">" query "</a></p>") (widen) (setq source (buffer-string)) ;; display as html by eww (goto-char (point-min)) (eww-display-html ‘utf-8 nil nil (point-min) buffer) (linum-mode t) (read-only-mode t) (eww-mode) ) (with-current-buffer buffer (plist-put eww-data :url "Recoll") ;;here any string make `eww-next-url‘ work (plist-put eww-data :source source) ;; used for debug (plist-put eww-data :next google-search-url) ;; you can press `n‘ google the query (plist-put eww-data :title "RECOLL SEARCH RESULTS") (eww-update-header-line-format) (let ((old-data eww-data)) (eww-save-history) (setq eww-history-position 0) (dolist (elem ‘(:source :url :title :next )) (plist-put eww-data elem (plist-get old-data elem))) (run-hooks ‘eww-after-render-hook))) ))
但有个问题就是回退的时候,退不到我们的索引页面,原因是 `eww-follow-link‘ 中 检查了访问 url 的构成,只有同一个页面的才会调用 `eww-save-history‘,我不知道 作者是怎么考虑的,反正我给加个补丁,不管到什么 url 都调用 `eww-save-history‘ 保存当前页面。
第二是他可能会使用外部浏览器打开页面。其实,Emacs 支持打开的页面已经完全可以 满足我的需要了,于是将 `browse-url-browser-function‘ 设置为 `eww-browse-url‘。
(setq browse-url-browser-function ‘eww-browse-url) (setq shr-external-browser (lambda (url &rest args) (apply ‘browse-url-xdg-open url args))) (eval-after-load ‘browse-url ‘(defun browse-url-default-browser (url &rest args) " Use EWW as the default browser for search web package. But you should set the variable `shr-external-browser‘ to browse-url-xdg-open to make `eww-browse-with-external-browser‘ to work as expected." (apply ‘eww-browse-url url args))) (defun eww-follow-link-before-advice (&optional external mouse-event) (eww-save-history) ) (advice-add ‘eww-follow-link :before #‘eww-follow-link-before-advice)
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